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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Deadwood - Season 1 - Episode 12 I think I'll take my time with Season 2, Season 1 in 3 days was great but a bit too quick.
  2. Jebus, that's some sweet dremel chatter on the front panel where he needed to take off the anodizing. Sorry you're still getting hosed with this.
  3. Now we just gotta work out your amp issues.
  4. I'm a Paradigm guy so I won't tell you not to do it. I love my Monitor 7s and have been tempted by the Studio series several times.
  5. You coming to the next one?
  6. Ian will be watching Deadwood soon. Season 2 has been procured.
  7. I wonder how jude is dealing with the tax implications of head-fi making a profit? As far as I know head-fi isn't registered as a non-profit (hence major issues last year with the raffling of gear at the national) or as a corporation.
  8. Shoot me a PM if you think I can help.
  9. thrice has a 6-channel beta and cotdt is also said to have one. Mine is just a pile of parts so it won't do you any good.
  10. Crazy bastard.
  11. More Deadwood, less work. Son of a bitch.
  12. Deadwood - Season 1 - Episode 2 How the fuck am I supposed to get any work done?
  13. Yes and yes. My dad's been watching it for a while, said the language made my mom uncomfortable, which I now keenly understand.
  14. Deadwood - Season 1 - Episode 1 I love the internet.
  15. If I ever get my Aikido project off the ground I might take them off your hands. Otherwise I can't say that I recommend tube based output stages for sources. Given how tubes react to different impedance loads my preference is solid-state sources for flexibility and less worry.
  16. Started working on the rear panel layout for my DAC last night and discovered the wonder that is Greenlee punches. Holy poop, how does anyone live without these. If you're ever working on a project that requires more than 1 or 2 "Neutrik" sized holes (15/16" diameter) you really owe it to yourself to pick up a punch. Just mark, drill a 3/8" pilot hole, line up the punch and crank away with your favorite 1" wrench or socket. I cut three sample holes last night in a hammond case and they went like a breeze. Time to get to work on the real panel tonight!
  17. Forget the books, I can't believe that koshka (sp?) made an appearance!
  18. Only if you put it in your sig. And seriously, to complete the trosity of your sig you really should also quote yourself. Of course, the real supertrose would get his L3000's engraved to matched his uber880s. Something like this... On a semi-serious note I can't think of anything I've ever seen anyone do to lower the value of something more than that. Well, other than using JB weld but that really belongs in another thread, even here on Headcase.
  19. I thought the latest, greatest were the custom 600ohm DT990s that you update the shipping status of daily. Oh wait, my bad again, that's the real trose. You know, you'd think supertrose would like have how much money he's spent since joining headcase in his sig.
  20. Maybe he offered to "raffle" off a B-52 with all the proceeds benefiting Ray? Oh wait, that was the real trose, my bad. Supertrose must have comitted some sort of uber-atrocity to be labeled like that. Whatever the reason it's teh funnay.
  21. grawk, FTW!
  22. Must not buy Dark Tower VII...
  23. All I know is that I have a damn hard time paying ~$70 for a connector when the $4 alternate seems to be plenty well made. It'd be one thing if the Neutrik connectors felt like shit or something, but my experience is actually the opposite with some of the "higher-end" connectors feeling crappier than the Neutriks. And there's also the problem that is I don't think either Xhadow or Furutech makes a 4 pin XLR
  24. I actually thought that the Vampire XLRconnectors that I came into contact with (fixed a cable for someone) were pieces of junk. Neutriks, while not the most pretty (although I'd argue that point as well), are friggen bullet proof and cheap to boot. Maybe GE can weigh in on this since I'm guessing that he would be a solid source of this type of info.
  25. Just finished The Deathly Hallows. I'll reserve comment until others have had the proper time to read it.
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