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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I thought the latest, greatest were the custom 600ohm DT990s that you update the shipping status of daily. Oh wait, my bad again, that's the real trose. You know, you'd think supertrose would like have how much money he's spent since joining headcase in his sig.
  2. Maybe he offered to "raffle" off a B-52 with all the proceeds benefiting Ray? Oh wait, that was the real trose, my bad. Supertrose must have comitted some sort of uber-atrocity to be labeled like that. Whatever the reason it's teh funnay.
  3. grawk, FTW!
  4. Must not buy Dark Tower VII...
  5. All I know is that I have a damn hard time paying ~$70 for a connector when the $4 alternate seems to be plenty well made. It'd be one thing if the Neutrik connectors felt like shit or something, but my experience is actually the opposite with some of the "higher-end" connectors feeling crappier than the Neutriks. And there's also the problem that is I don't think either Xhadow or Furutech makes a 4 pin XLR
  6. I actually thought that the Vampire XLRconnectors that I came into contact with (fixed a cable for someone) were pieces of junk. Neutriks, while not the most pretty (although I'd argue that point as well), are friggen bullet proof and cheap to boot. Maybe GE can weigh in on this since I'm guessing that he would be a solid source of this type of info.
  7. Just finished The Deathly Hallows. I'll reserve comment until others have had the proper time to read it.
  8. Just got done mowing an hour or so ago. It was a speed mow, only about 3 hrs.
  9. About 100 pages in myself.
  10. As soon as I get home from work, yes, that's the general plan.
  11. I'm about in the same situation. I'm 6-1ish, 205 and would like to be around 190. My diet isn't bad and I was making good progress (was under 2 bills) until I started having minor surgery on my back (3 times so far this summer). I should be clear of that in 2 weeks and back to getting regular exercise. But I don't trust any weight loss program that only involves diet, humans are creatures of habit and more than likely you'll got back to eating the way you did and the pounds will come back. At least that's what I've observed.
  12. On the plus side you probably have control over thrice given his association with rockhoppers, that has to count for something. Come on, make thrice do something funnay.
  13. How far North? I've been up to Limestone a few times, I think that officially qualifies as northern Maine.
  14. Just bought a case of BUZZ cola and some Krusty O's.
  15. Nah, I'm not a Mainah. I work in Portsmouth, NH which is right across the river from Kittery.
  16. Steak Quesadilla from Loco Coco's Tacos.
  17. I think it would have brought the funny big time if he'd posted the specs like this: PCM2707 performs USB to I2S conversion to simulate the use of red nail polish!
  18. Greenlee 15/16" knockout punch. Going to be making a lot of holes for Neutrik XLRs and this should make things go much more quickly and smoothly.
  19. Maybe you should take a look at this - Headroom Micro Portable Amp/DAC. Just announced today.
  20. Would that be as a theft deterrent?
  21. As far as I know only under meet conditions, which are dubious at best. If you want a technical comparison I believe that amb has all the data posted on his site.
  22. I haven't been struck lately by the urge to flush a C note (or two) down the toilet.
  23. I still yearn for someone to take apart the ipod connector on one of ALO's cables so that I can see how he attaches 12ga wire (or whatever) to a 30ga pin.
  24. Check that you don't have the ribbon flipped 180 deg, some have a locater pin, some don't and I've actually done this before. Otherwise it just becomes a list of the simple things that can go wrong, no power to the drive, incorrect jumper settings, ect. Is the bios seeing the drive? That also might tell you a lot.
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