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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Two of Twisted Pear Audio's Joshua Tree attenuators. One of the owners lives about 10 minutes from my house so I'll be visiting Pear HQ tomorrow. For those that don't know they're a shunt-style, relay based unit that provides 128 steps. I've wanted to try something like it for a while and this seemed like the perfect application. I find conventional steppers to lack enough adjustability without a gain switch and on the beta there's no real option for switching the gain simply.
  2. I might. If not I know a guy who has a couple sleeves of them stashed in his basement. I couldn't tell you the last time I used an opamp.
  3. Don't worry about a little hum, the Wheatfield's got a touch of that as well. I like to think it's just telling me it's ready to go.
  4. DIY Transport -> Hertsens DAC -> Wheatfield HA-2 -> Senn 650s w/ Zu and maybe the K340s
  5. That's good to hear, my 6 channel beta build is just getting off the ground - I'll be picking up the stepped attenuators for it tomorrow.
  6. It would have stopped it from shorting, yes, but the heat from the manifold did as much damage as anything else and the fuse wouldn't have stopped that a bit. The real lesson is that plastic clips suck. I don't think Ian will use them again.
  7. Well considering that I'm Ian's electrical tech on the JEEP project my status is up in the air. I can't believe I have to wire that whore a second time.
  8. K340s - I guess we'll see if round two goes better than round one.
  9. The price quoted so far seems pretty good given what you guys are saying, especially if it's modded to any degree. I'm torn though, if I bought it it'd really just be to see what all the fuss is about and then I'd probably sell it. So I'm not sure it's worth the time and effort.
  10. I've already got the schematics and I build enough that I don't feel like I have to build everything. I'd put my odds of pickup up the melos at 1:10. And I'm working off the assumption it's pretty much a stock SHA-1 although the seller indicated it was modded but didn't know to what degree. It also comes with a pretty nice tube compliment.
  11. Quick Melos question for all you experts out there... What's a fair going rate for a standard (although slightly modded) SHA-1 in reasonable cosmetic condition (not perfect)? Hopefully you don't mind me derailing your discussion of melons.
  12. I've had much better luck with tube vendors when I can get them on the phone. Takes a little more effort than banging out an email but the results are worth it.
  13. Muaaahahahaha! MUUUUAAHAHAHAHHA!
  14. Happy birthday, Todd.
  15. No doubt about this, I know a couple of dealers and their the literally want nothing to do with email. Too much time invested with little results, half the time people sending the emails are competitors trying to beat prices, other times it's just some idiot who has no real interest but since it doesn't take much time to fire off an email they send it anyway. It takes more effort to call but I'd almost rather deal with someone I can actually get on the phone, I actually refuse to do business with any website that doesn't list a contact number and address. And I'm amazed by the number of people who freak out when they have to actually call someone.
  16. None, they share the same chassis 15.5" x 15.5" x 5".
  17. That weekend might be tough but if it comes together I'll push to attend. I'd offer to host but we've already got stuff 2 weekends in August.
  18. Sure, if you still have your product ID I can get you an install disc for XP and if you've lost the product ID I'm sure we can come up with something.
  19. Color me jealous. Congrats man, looking forward to the pics and impressions.
  20. I find myself at a lack of words to describe that rig. Damn, just... damn.
  21. At $2000 (the price quoted in 6 moons review here) it's got a lot of competition. Personally I'd have trouble paying that much for a single ended amp regardless of how good it sounded.
  22. Got the back panel of my dac fabbed tonight, finally some friggen progress! With a little luck I'll get a lot done tomorrow and have some pictures for you guys some time this weekend...
  23. We have ways around that salty...
  24. *sniff* *sniff*, is that next supertrose I smell?
  25. What is Spike Lee #1 doing to #2. Oh nooooooos!!!1!
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