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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I'd like to think that he really did have other business in Cali, since he and I discussed that the two meets were so close that it meant one or the other but meh, I just hope Justin catches his flight as I'd really like to meet him and hear some of his gear.
  2. Ahhh crap, evidently Ray bailed on us for "personal business" in CA. :'(
  3. Not sure if you're aware, but make sure to take the cropping factor into account when looking at lenses. So on that body a 24mm prime would be a 38.5mm equivalent due to the 1.6x crop factor.
  4. Yeah, it's pretty clear he's flipping for profit but he keeps the number of threads pretty low and therefore skates by.
  5. If I get a good pic I'll post a thread in the Casino.
  6. Roger that, picture of ass clown added to 'to do' list for meet. I'll try to get a picture of the man-hug he'll probably give Ray when they see each other.
  7. Oh I know, I was just attempting to be funny. I'm going to offer him $250 for them this weekend.
  8. This message is hidden because trose49 is on your ignore list.
  9. That'd be the first time I'd heard that film lenses wouldn't work on a digital body, that's not the way Nikon works anyway. Based on some quick reading that body should work with any EF or EF-S mount lenses. HTH, Nate
  10. He's had a couple pairs for sale, all absurdly priced IIRC. I almost PM'd him once to let him know that even if his price was in dollars he'd still be dreaming.
  11. Not sure if I can, it's a pretty short cable (6') and hellaciously microphonic. I'd like to dope slap whoever built it. For now it stays on the cans since I don't have time to deal with it properly. If it comes off I'll make 20 $200 mini-minis from it and retire rnB style!
  12. I reterminated my 340s last night to try and fix some of the butchery that was done by the previous modder who saw fit to terminate them with an 1/8" plug. Turns our they are wired with stranded silver, yikes that couldn't have been a cheap cable even though it looks like poop.
  13. I'm still trying to figure out where he found a copy of shenanigans to buy?
  14. The translation is still the same, I plugged it into babblefish for you: Blah, blah, uninformed guess x vs. y, blah blah bullshit. My problem is that your post, as it was written, has exactly zero substance. Now, if you want to post something for pure entertainment value go for it, but your post is exactly the problem with a lot of the "opinions" on head-fi. It's pure conjecture and adds exactly nothing to the debate. Next time try the following, "I heard the Denon and was not overly impressed by it compared to other high res sources like X, and X that I've heard." Leave the Oppo out of it since you have no experience with it.
  15. I have to disagree, Ray Samuels loud is loud for everyone.
  16. I choose not to discriminate against either type and embrace all of them equally.
  17. His first 20+ posts (in one day ) are not encouraging...
  18. Way to live up to your custom title.
  19. I'm pulling for you brother.
  20. My dealings with him have been decidedly mixed.
  21. And if you take the clips and pads off of the 75s and put them on the 35s you've really got yourself a winner.
  22. 8/22, never forget.
  23. That's the first I've heard of that! Mini3, WUHOO!
  24. Any news on your Singlepower, Haj? Seems like that thing has been in your sig for longer than most of my builds, which is saying something.
  25. Yeah, I've complained to management about this but they keep ignoring it.
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