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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Fair enough, let me know when I release my first product, I can't wait for the checks to start rolling in.
  2. In the words of Reks, pfft. That listing is 100% in compliance with any and all stated rules of Head-Fi. Since there are no rules governing such actions at Head-case I had nothing to follow and did not list them here.
  3. oh NOS!!!1! The cat's out of the bag now, ain't it?
  4. Congrats man, I'm glad it finally all worked out. And even with the beta22 out the M3 is no slouch. Technically speaking it has superior specifications in several categories and is way overkill for headphones. Certainly nothing to be scoffed at.
  5. It looks like the world's biggest stone shaped by the ocean.
  6. Well, it would really depend on what Hirsch's opinion is of their sound. If the mods made them decent someone searching for a closed can might be interested. Can't say I'd be, but others might.
  7. I don't have any available funds for headphones... For the banned/can't read/whatever:
  8. I think this would mave a lovely avatar.
  9. dew eet! I've seen him 3 or 4 times now and never failed to laugh until my gut hurt.
  10. Nice! I enjoyed the un-aired pilot quite a bit. It gave good perspective on how far the show's creators have come in developing the series.
  11. There's just no excuse for the way these first examples of the redesign look. Handmade, machine made, who gives a shit? Either way they look sloppy and rushed and never should have passed anything called QC. After Tuesday night I'll post up a couple of high quality pics of Ian's and my latest handiwork as proof that any idiot can make a decent looking set of cups.
  12. My issue deals primarily the gain they they require. If they'll work balanced with a gain of 4 or 6 off my beta22 they'll be here to stay.
  13. I'll find out soon enough. The real answer is that it depends on whether or not your source is going to have issues driving a low impedance load. I used a 10k pot on my first beta and had no issues with a variety of sources. Also, from what I'm told the only sources that are likely to have issues with low input-impedance amps are tube output sources. And even then if the tube output has a buffer on it (some do, some don't) it should be fine. Still not sure what I'm going to use for pots on my balanced beta since I've moved to 4 channel vs. 6. Also, for gain I'll be going either 2/4 or 3/6. If the K340s don't have enough balls with the 6 via balanced drive then so be it. I'm not re-configuring my whole rig for them, my name ain't Jay.
  14. Holy shit, it appears that they did the same to the RS-1. Maybe this is just a bad picture but BLECH!
  15. I have the velour pads, just haven't tried them yet. They sure look comfy.
  16. Shit, color me jealous.
  17. Shit. Let me know if you hear from him. Back on topic, even Ray Samuels agrees, "it doesn't get any better than this..."
  18. Damn, that's unbelievable.
  19. Check the mirror cheif, you're the one without a home amp. Most reports have the beta doing a pretty fine job with the K1000's although I'm not sure anyone with the L3000's has had a go with it yet that I've read. Kill two birds with one stone and save some coin in the process. I've said it before, I'll say it again, Stephen doesn't charge nearly enough.
  20. Holy shit, thrice has gone mental. And man, those pics on your site are tight! Nice work.
  21. BASTARD! Just finished home-made taco salad.
  22. As far as I know the kits currently listed on the site are spec'd for preamp duty, the headphone amp kits should be coming out soon and will use tweaked parts values and components.
  23. The peanut gallery wants to know how hard it would have been for the to use black screws to match what was already there? I mean seriously, I'm guessing that you're paying a not-insignificant amount of coin for the mods. Otherwise I'm psyched you're getting your player back and hope it sounds sweet.
  24. Uh, yeah. I wasn't exactly excited when I read the specs. I also seem to be having a channel imbalance issue so I may be returning the headphones to Equation. The soundstage is shifted way to the right. So far, so not good
  25. Yeah, now imagine that my phones are basically the same as yours except they boost the bass under 200Hz by 5 to 10db.
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