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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Wake me when you stand behind an opinion, even one that isn't yours. That VU meter in your sig always reminded me of how I think you change your opinion back and forth, back and forth. It's a most appropriate graphical representation of you.
  2. It's one of the big reasons to avoid LCD HDTV's. Most manufacturers accept that there may be multiple bad pixels in a given display and will not warranty them as defective. At least my Sony, which uses three small LCDs simultaneously is more forgiving since if one color goes bad it'll be masked by the other two.
  3. As far as I understand it the problem is the transistors. And the real problem is that they can't test for bad pixels until the display is complete and at that point the only option is to approve it for use or toss it completely. If they rejected every display that had a bad pixel (hot, dead, colored, whatever) prices would be significantly higher.
  4. Oh NOS, 909's opinion of me is worse. Of course, given your history of rampant flip-flopping all I have to do is wait 2 minutes and you'll change your mind.
  5. Just a guess but too much gain, maybe? I'm guessing your K340 specific amp isn't exactly lacking in the gain department.
  6. Yeah, but you're as bad a messup as he is so we didn't pay attention to your diagnosis.
  7. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, Todd, it's a flipping duck. Whether or not you feel comfortable admitting it time after time you've bought a product, started one of your now patented ALL CAPS THREADZ W/ PICS!!!!, only to sell the very item in question a short period of time later. Now, if you want, you can make fun of me all day long for continuously cycling gear through my rig but the only product I've ever shamelessly self-promoted was the Wheatfield, because no one knew what the hell it was.
  8. Are you kidding me? ??? Nice work Jay.
  9. Especially if you're willing to shill the shit out of them, build up community interest and then dump them. I swear, Todd, you must walk backwards half the time you're such a hypocrite. I seem to recall a certain PM that you sent me saying you weren't gushing all of the V-dock just to sell it. But wait, a month later you did?
  11. Yup, you don't want to know how expensive those panels would be if they were required to have 100% perfect pixels. Sorry to hear that you've got a stuck one.
  12. Yeah, I've been talking quite a bit with the Belgians about custom machining.
  13. Might also be helpful to provide some background information like where and how you'll be using the headphones.
  14. It's for a one-box 2-channel beta I'm building for someone around these parts. MOTMOTMOTMOTMOTMOTMOTMOTMOTMOTMOTMOT I don't think Par really qualifies as cheaping out as long as you use what they provide wisely. My first beta looked pretty decent and that was a Par chassis. But no, my beta won't be finding its way into a PM chassis, that's almost guaranteed.
  15. Par Metals chassis for a little beta22 I'm building.
  16. Marshall, aka the king of no bullshit.
  17. just kidding?
  18. They're JISBOS buffers for the SOHA. Got in the first round of parts for the mini3-2. Now, if I don't have to work all weekend I might get started.
  19. Thus the "There's a Sucker Born Every Minute" theorem is proven.
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. So we have wolf-boy in aerius and captain flip-flop in billy...
  22. Well, the Diablo saga gets worse as the days go by... Someone, please, lawyer up and go after this fool.
  23. Guy listed it very poorly on Head-Fi, just called it "100 dollar tube amp". I never quite get how people can be so bad about advertising their stuff for sale, I mean do you not want it to sell? Take 5 minutes, take a decent picture and write a complete description for cripes sake. I'll never forget when someone wrote me a PM asking how I sell stuff so fast, hello, I build so it doesn't look like shit and the rest is pretty much common sense. I plan to have a little fun with it but doubt it'll stick around all that long.
  24. Given what I imagine your budget is I have nothing to offer. What speaker is worthy of a $13000 pair of amps?
  25. I don't think it can get any cheaper than what I just paid. And actually, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that HCT is the original man'f and the rest just buy it from them. There's at least 4 or 5 products that all use this amp and resell it under another name.
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