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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Oh SNAP, Dave is in the house!
  2. I just wish I had a machine that could run it.
  3. So you think the preamp part sucks but somehow the headphone portion of the circuit will sound as good as a $300 dedicated headphone amp? I must be missing something . I'd say you need to reterminate them then, I wouldn't bother with an entire recable just yet.
  4. What makes you say that? Again, what makes you say that?
  5. My answer/advice is still the same.
  6. I'd be surprised if the NAD headphone jack had enough ooomph for the K340s.
  7. I'm pretty sure on most of these preamp players that it's a chip thing and handled in the digital domain.
  8. Watched this week's Chuck last night. Easily the best episode of the season. I'll be pretty disappointed if this show doesn't survive the strike, it's just getting going.
  9. Ouch...
  10. W The real question is who's cued up next in the CD player after Feist?
  11. I can't remember how many steps the Wadia has, but it's plenty.
  12. Don't talk about death, you'll just get 909 started again.
  13. I just wish today's DVD players weren't so fricken tiny. Back in the day (3 years ago) when I built my entertainment center DVD players were still the size of most receivers so I budgeted space accordingly. Now I've got this tiny little DVD player in this huge opening. :shrug:
  14. Whereas I was born in da souf, and now live in the North?
  15. Very few of us are banned.
  16. If you decide you want a GC Haj, shoot me a PM.
  17. 5 minute edit window, keeps the riffraff from spouting off and then just going back and editing out what they said. Kinda makes you think a bit differently when it's for keeps.
  18. That seems highly unlikely, doesn't it? No current production dynamic uses a 5 pin jack and the only out-of-production that comes to mind is the K340.
  19. I was thinking more along the lines of the Paramount SE, or a NOS kit of the "Afterglow" kit that they used to sell. I know a shop that has a kit on consignment that I'd love to buy and build, I just have no use for it and of course lack the time to build it.
  20. Well, considering the the bottlehead kit is $1250 it might be a bit of a stretch to think that you're going to be able to buy or have something built that'll better it for half that. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it seems unlikely.
  21. You just keep getting better and better, doncha?
  22. I think I just threw up a little. And yes, I'm married.
  23. Jagwire, is that you?
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