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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. It's a custom Mapletree Audio Design Ear+ HD. Mark took the basic component set, tweaked it, threw out the whole power supply section and designed his own tube rectified supply and then designed the chassis. The chassis, a friggen work of art, is all him, the wood work, the trafos potted in polished old film containers, etc. I guess he had the plate fabricated but he did the cad layout drawings for it. And you should see the wiring, it's just unbelievable. Mark (Voodoo) is one of those people that sets the bar so high for the rest of us all we can do is look at it and go, "man, my stuff looks like crap."
  2. Thanks for explaining that Dan, that makes a lot more sense now.
  3. I have no desire to pour salt in Jude's wound. He's a man down right now and shit, I hope he can get his life back up and running soon. I am somewhat surprised to learn that Head-Fi and his businesses shared server/drive space since I thought that the equipment that Head-Fi ran on was paid for by a donation from Meier (the headfive, IIRC). Anyone else remember reading a post about that?
  4. You should hear it, it sounds every bit as good as it looks.
  5. I simply don't see how they can practically implement the rewind. So my vote is that they're going to realize this and fight as long and hard as possible to recover what they can or else it's reboot time and we all start at zero again.
  6. And to think, my wife still thinks the smell is "solder fumes". Bwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha.
  7. I find that appropriate for a self-described whore.
  8. When I get the WA lens for the D80 I'll bring the tripod over to Ian's and see if we can give you a better look.
  9. What is this 'headfi' you speak of?
  10. Well done sir, well done.
  11. Shoot, the one forum I'm actually banned from.
  12. Yup, he and pinky deserve each other though so it's all good in my book.
  13. I have a feeling that we can handle those types of problems.
  14. The princess runs lights, so i'm guessing that's the controller at her club.
  15. Jacob, I wouldn't bother, just another set of cables you'd need and more clutter. If you're happy with the Cap premap, I'd leave well enough alone.
  16. He was for a while, then reinstated, then banned again and then the ban rescinded. And he's not dead either, he's been active on other forums as recently as a month ago.
  17. I don't think you'll find much company in that regard around here. The SB3 is a pretty average source in my book, and yes I own and use one and have compared it to other both worse and better sounding units. Also, I try not to form concrete impressions from meet, especially when trying to make relative comparisons. Every meet that I've been to has way to high a noise floor.
  18. Clearly he's referring to everyone watching the TV.
  19. Watch it MOT boy, given my new custom title you'll wanna play nice.
  20. You've got a lot of options w/ a total of $1500 to play with. You shouldn't need to spend more than $400 on the cans, even if you go w/ Senns and decide to upgrade the cable. That leaves $1100 for the amp source which should be plenty. Where in the world are you located since geographically some options might make more sense than others.
  21. Don't forget the diamonds!
  22. Ouch, I'm insulted.
  23. I think we've moved on from balanced since just about every option under $1000 is probably not worth spending money on, unless I'm forgetting something.
  24. Assuming Head-Fi comes back I'd recommend a stock Extreme as well but the Moth comes with a heck of a selection of tubes.
  25. Sorry about that, forgot about that rule. My bad.
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