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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Hmmm, I've always been told that series attenuators are the least desirable due to the fact that as you step up you add more and more resistors to the signal path. Anyone care to comment on that?
  2. pics or ban, jack, you know the rules.
  3. I'd shoot Aaron a PM before ordering anything, relying on my memory is like walking through a mine field blindfolded. Sure, you might make it through ok but no one would ever claim it the best way of doing things.
  4. I think that Aaron (immtbiker) uses a Dared MP-5 to drive is TakeT's. You might try something incremental before dropping pretty big coin a speaker amp to see if the headphone scales or if it really just doesn't sound the way you want it to regardless of upstream components.
  5. I'm trying to get Ian to host one in Kittery, peer pressure always helps.
  6. Why? I hope you didn't pay more than $15 for it? Unless it's the 4-channel version... You can't fight evolution.
  7. My 2c is that the recent debacle was really just error by omission and a tendency that most of us have to stick with what has worked in the past and not further complicate things, even if they really should be more complicated. There's no doubt that Jude has learned a painful lesson, I hope not too painful.
  8. Raise hell, Haj, there's no reason to just take it.
  9. Oh god, I was messing around on Audiogon this morning and came across the following listing... http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlconv&1200066669 Looks like the ultimate apple TV setup didn't last long, shocking given its owner's tendencies...
  10. I'm pretty sure that socrates63 here has an MPX3 and uses W5000s. You could shoot him a PM for more detailed impressions.
  11. That was fracken funny billy.
  12. n_maher


    I've been watching it all year, it's getting better and better and is one of the shows that I think has promise if allowed to mature. Of course this also makes it extremely vulnerable to the writers strike and could easily lose it's audience and momentum, which would really be a shame.
  13. n_maher

    Mass Effect

    Love you too, Ed.
  14. Doesn't it need to be 4-channel for balanced operation?
  15. Yet another link that I will have lost if Head-fi doesn't come back.
  16. I'm sure the beta could be reconfigured to use both remote volume and source control. That'd be the route I'd go before adding another preamp to the chain.
  17. Sounds like a good deal to me other than the mountains of paperwork.
  18. Bwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha. Nice one!
  19. n_maher

    Mass Effect

  20. The writer's strike has left me with more free time than usual.
  21. Well, most cables aren't shielded so you guys must be extreme like Patrick to need shielded headphone cables.
  22. I believe that grawk gave me the hookup first, technically speaking.
  23. Well grawk got the mod discount, it's how you get ahead doncha know?
  24. Well, after recovering from whatever event yielded the horrid picture above I got busy building...
  25. Ever wonder what was inside that insanely expensive Zu mobius headphone cable. Well, I did and considering that I'm converting my headphone rig over to balanced and wasn't about to shell out the current asking price of ~$400 for a balanced version I decided to do it myself. Step 1: hack off existing 1/4" plug. Wow, that's a lot of conductors for a headphone cable. A total of 8 w/ 3 different sizes, all silver plated copper. Step 2: deal w/ scratchy techflex and something else... Hmm, evidently this cable is shielded. In fact the shield and the two largest conductors are all tied to ground at the plug. Seems like an awful lot of effort since headphone cables have never been known to pick up noise that I'm aware of. Step 3: expose a length of wire to work with At this point I figured which conductors went with which connector and so on. The + signal is carried by two smaller (28 ga) conductors for each channel and the - is carried by a single (24ga) conductor. The two 18ga conductors act as another shield I guess since they aren't tied to the Senn plugs, only the 1/4" plug. Again, pretty odd construction but hey I like the way it sounds so I should really stop complaining. Step 4: attach new 4-pin XLR That's it, all done. Well, in truth I made a matching balanced to single ended adapter but that's really boring so I didn't bother taking a picture of it.
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