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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. In case you missed it, I'm one too.
  2. Am I the only one turned off by magic eye tubes? They just strike me as a bit gimmicky especially on something that looks as nice as that amp does already.
  3. Remember Dusty, you're a mod too.
  4. I think this thread has run its course.
  5. I'm pretty sure that the OP was all set when this thread died over a month ago.
  6. There are other, more powerful beings than moderators...
  7. There is no spoon? And PS, moderators can't change custom titles.
  8. Nothing, but I'm shipping you something tomorrow. You stay out of this Salty, I got a prototype of your Gainclone working today.
  9. Parts, parts and more parts. Worst of it is there's still more to order when I get back to the office Monday.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. I don't think the parts list is available, Jay, that's part of what would come along with the documentation of the amp.
  12. The o'clock measuring system is pretty much worthless. Sorry to be so harsh but since the actual volume level will depend on the source, headphones and amp there's absolutely no way to make any sort of meaningful comparison from someone telling you that position their attenuator is at. Unless they happen to have the exact same setup that you do, which seems pretty unlikely. For what it's worth I usually listen with average db's in the low 70s as measured by a Ratshack SPL meter.
  13. Ok, my advice stands, spend $125 on a Rockhopper mini3 w/ a gain of 5 and spend the extra money on something else. I'd be hard pressed to believe you'll find a better sounding portable even if you max your budget. You might find one with more features, but I can't tell you whether or not that matters to you.
  14. It would be key to know what headphones you plan on using. And even with your generous budget I wouldn't bother with anything more expensive than a Rockhopper mini3.
  15. I have to be brutally honest, $100 for a PCB, instructions and what sounds like just standoffs and a few other minor parts doesn't excite me enough to order it.
  16. Yeah, I read that post earlier in the day. I can't believe that they lost the photo galleries again, what a kick in the nuts for some folks. I am glad to hear that confidence is building regarding the forum tables though since that really does represent the irreplaceable information.
  17. Hope everyone had a great day.
  18. I'm with Jay, I thought that MM and MC carts had different gain requirements, hence you not usually finding phono stages that can work with both. And it's not all that surprising that the higher gain setting has a higher noise floor, that's the nature of the beast.
  19. His interest in the hobby pretty much got trashed by the whole Storm Audio debacle.
  20. Ugh, no fracken PM's for the last 10 months, that's a bitter pill to swallow. Glad to hear that all of the information in the general forums won't be lost though, that would have been unbelievably bad.
  21. Got an email from my boy Thaddy.
  22. Yup, that's why I linked to the second bit. Although for those of us that have built ladder type attenuators before it's pretty easy to see that the Goldpoint's aren't ladder types, there simply aren't enough resistors. That's pretty much the way I remember it. There previous version looked a lot more like a stock elma stepper like this one:
  23. This: and this:
  24. Hmmm, I've always been told that series attenuators are the least desirable due to the fact that as you step up you add more and more resistors to the signal path. Anyone care to comment on that?
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