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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Geeez, I log off to eat dinner and miss all sorts of fun.
  2. With 4x 6528's it'll hardly be cool, it'll probably be hotter than a bastard actually. Shit, my Wheatfield ran surface temps over 130 deg F with the single 6528. He better have done some serious planning with regard to heat management or users can plan on a life of cooked caps and torched resistors. And given the cost and rarity of 6528's I pity the fool who tries to run four (likely requiring two matched pairs), yikes.
  3. You didn't honestly expect him to answer technical questions, did you asshat? Ray is clearly very guarded about the components and design of his amps, for whatever reason, that hardly makes him a douchebag and should have told you ahead of time that you were shouting into the wind even trying to ask technical questions.
  4. Same thing for me, someone sent me a PM and it erased the the previous total that was showing on the front page. I really hope they're able to rebuild that database and reintegrate it.
  5. You dated deepak, wow, that's f-ed up man.
  6. I'd have to disagree about the high-noise floor statements regarding the beta22. While I'm hardly one to contradict Dr. Gilmore, amb's measurements of the beta seem to indicate that driving just about any load the noise floor is pretty damn low. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something but it would seem to me that if one was so inclined they could tweak the beta22 configuration to be a hell of a preamp, probably ridiculous overkill, but it could be done easily by lowering the gain and power supply voltage. There is an entire section of the beta22 website dedicated to configuring the design as a preamp. The Dynahi, which becomes unstable at lower gains (or so I'm told) probably would make a much worse preamp.
  7. If it weren't for, uh, other compensating qualities about her I'm quite sure the relationship wouldn't have made it 6 months.
  8. Monosyllabic girl - we dated on and off for about 6 months before I finally broke it off out of pure frustration. The issue with her, as one might guess, was that she just wouldn't talk. I know, I know, most guys would kill for a girlfriend who didn't yap all that time but at some point it's nice to, you know, just sit around and have a conversation about something. MSG wouldn't do that, it was all one word answers all the time. What made this all the more ironic is that she was brilliant, in the very literal sense. She's a bio-chemist for a pharmaceutical company now. Didn't hurt that she was quite attractive too, I love swimmers...
  9. There's way to much to spill, really. Most of the women that I dated prior to meeting my wife were all pretty f'ed up in one way or another. So pick your poison, you want the story of mono-syllabic girl, contract girl, interview girl, don't treat me nice girl or one of others? My dating life would make a good comedy, that much is certain.
  10. I can relate, I definitely had a few roller coaster GF's in my time. And not the fun "Woooooo" type of roller coaster, the "oh shit, I'm gonna puke, wait, this is awesome, nope, gonna hurl" type. Hell hath no fury and all that...
  11. Probably on the order of a couple thousand hours, I don't think that there's any official rating for tube life for most tubes because of the variable nature of the operating points the designer could choose.
  12. Are fake girlfriends like telfon coated bullets, they kill you even if you're wearing body armor?
  13. I've always wanted to try the 595's based on knowing that Tyll likes them quite a bit. I think that the pair he used to bring to meets were recabled w/ Cardas cable.
  14. I don't think that any manufacturer would ever call a tube the same name and have a different pin configuration, that would strike me as absurd. And I just checked a couple of tube vendors (like thetubestore.com) and I don't see any mention of a different configuration for the 6H30Pi Gold version. You could always call some of them to check. Bottom line, I hope not since my Aikido (if it ever gets built) will use this tube and I already have a pair of the Pi's waiting to go in. And welcome to Head-case.
  15. Amen, but it's almost not fair to call that a Mapletree amp especially from an aesthetic point since Mark did all that himself.
  16. My PM's look like they should be there (shows the right number) but they're all gone.
  17. At 250K it's pretty worthless for anything but tube gear.
  18. The Celtics, who just won on a stolen inbounds pass, unbelievable.
  19. Yeah, nothing says "quality" to me like two empty tube sockets.
  20. I guess I'm way down on points then, all my cables these days look anything but amazing (by techflex standards anyway).
  21. So that makes it sound like they're going to try to take it live tonight but to expect periodic outages as they continue to tweak things. Translation, buckle up kids, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
  22. They're like the tube equivalent of a VU meter, at least the type that I'm familiar with are. I didn't both to look up the specific type that this amp uses but odds are that they don't do anything other than complicate the build (two more heaters to wire) and are only there for aesthetic reasons. [edit]According to the info presented so far they look something like this: and act something like this: The one in my Dared knockoff is similar and is annoying as hell with the lights off, it's fracken bright as hell.
  23. Just one more piece of advice, chose your builder carefully. There is a good bit of truth to the "you get what you pay for" axiom.
  24. Happy Birthday, Jay!
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