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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. A single chip does not a product make. My Wadia uses the lowly BUF634 on its outputs so by your logic it's the same as something like a PIMETA which uses the same chip.
  2. I'd second to get a stock 650 cable reterminated to balanced, Headroom can help with that as well and it'll save you $200.
  3. Indeed, I'm loving it so far. I just don't want to pull a Deadwood and go through it too quickly.
  4. Nursing my way through season 1 still, don't want to rush it since it looks like there'll be a distinct lack of good TV this winter.
  5. Mr. Chalk, If you're serious about trying the W5000's this is as cheap as I've ever seen a pair listed.
  6. I caught that for sale listing the other day. Nothing like pulling a trose, shilling the heck out of something and then selling it. At least mark didn't jack the price way up.
  7. If you prefer to keep things simple one possibility would be the Headroom Balanced Desktop w/ the Home/Home module options -> balanced HD600 or 650. I'm pretty sure you could get into that and that it would sound significantly better than your current rig (based on my impression of the ED9s in better rigs). Otherwise, if you want to keep your components separate there's way to many choices to run through. My only advice would be to budget equal parts for both your source and your amp, going overboard on either one never makes any sense to me. And I tend to spend the least amount of $$ on the headphone part of the equation, there are lots of good headphones under $400 and I have yet to hear twice the performance from the next tier.
  8. I'm pretty sure that Ultrasone uses the same headband as the HD 280 for just about all their headphones, regardless of price.
  9. Your assignment was more BSG.
  10. I wasn't really going for the fit comparison, more wondering if they shared more components with the Stagg's than just the headband?
  11. I find that comparison offensive.
  12. Vicki, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that headband look exactly like the Equations?
  13. Young, just use the "sup" tag. Example (remove* to make work) mini[sup*]3[/sup*] mini3 However, ASCII support beyond stuff like that was discussed and I think it's a forum software issue and not likely to change. I never used ascii for anything other than superscript numbers so I find this solution more than acceptable.
  14. Something like that might have occurred to me...
  15. I tried to find a kitty that described how I felt about Ed's post. I failed in that regard but came across this little gem, which got me laughing so hard I had to post it...
  16. I refuse to support a sport (the NHL) that is actively trying to kill itself off. College hockey, hell yeah.
  17. Yeah, the stock chord has to be 10 to 12' long. And I haven't had much trouble driving them direct from portable players, of course my expectations are pretty low when I put them on.
  18. Senn HD201's and get a friend to recable them for you with whatever length he needs. For short money I think these are pretty darn decent.
  19. Shhhh, you're giving Ray Samuels the name for his next amp.
  20. I don't see it either, I guess I just see it like this: if you go pound sand are you really surprised that you ended up pounding sand? Ray's not going to answer technical questions, period. He's behaved like this from the moment I met him and I've been given numerous reasons why this is likely to never change. Does this make him a douchebag, no, does it make him someone that I'm less likely to give my money to, absolutely. I think there's a big difference between the two, but that's just me.
  21. It's probably the best place to find them.
  22. I'm only suggesting that if one really read the story of Ray here and it changed the way they view things that they should also then know better than to expect answers to technical questions. He never has, nor do I expect he ever will, provide technical details about his products. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, he's actually removed some of that content from his updated website.
  23. You're really working at turning that 'jr' into 'sr', aren't you?
  24. There's gear in my sig?
  25. I'm w/ Dan here. Head-Fi is worth supporting and I'll continue to do so just like I'll continue to lobby for the logical changes that should happen to make it a better place.
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