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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Even if they look it up in the Audio Blue Book I'd wager a guess that it's nowhere near current with regard to the pricing of rare items like this, if it has them at all.
  2. Leftover chicken burrito from last night's dinner, yum.
  3. I suggest the following revision. (> 'vv')>
  4. Not really, he's just got one crazy-ass friend. Ask him about his portable rig for further proof.
  5. Outsatnding, Dan!
  6. Jim, You might just consider having your current RAL cable reterminated and get a matching adapter made so that you can use that cable both balanced and single-ended. Should save you some cash.
  7. If I had to downsize a rig with a budget of $500 I think I'd do the following, all of which would be used. Source: Definitely go the computer as source model, several good suggestions for this so far with the 0404USB and M-Audio Transit. Both available used with some regularity and I have to admit, at work I as pretty happy with the AV710 - that might not be an option for you. Cables: Absolutely go the DIY route here, you can find good (actually great) cables for cheaper than cheap. There's even a few idiots who if asked nicely will make a set of cables for the cost of parts. Amp: Once again, I'd think the DIY used market would be the place to go for any bargain hunter. You can probably find a "home-type" PIMETA in the range of $100 to $150 and it'll just about as good as most commercial ~$400 amps. But since at this point you've spent less than half your budget I'd suggest splurging a bit and trying to get a used PPA. You might find either a V1 or possibly a V2 in the range of $200 to $250, that's an absurd amp for that kind of money. There's also the outside chance that you could find an M3 in the upper end of that range, but those are more rare from what I see. Also, do yourself a favor, if you're looking at a used DIY amp research the builder. I'm starting to lose count of the number of amps that I've had to rebuild for other people as a result of abhorrent build quality. Cans: Best value for the dollar, assuming you don't universally dismiss them, is the HD580. Still available for ~$125 you could pick up a HD650 cable and 600 grills if you really wanted to. So my math says that works out to be about $150 + $250 (max) + $150, right at your target budget and there are ways to shave a bit here and there if you really wanted too.
  8. [snobby American]Bwaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha[/sA]
  9. Has to be one of the worst produced/recorded albums I've ever heard. The material has potential but its implementation is so awful it's one of the few albums I deleted from my collection.
  10. Took a while, but I finally got it and once I did I was glad to have taken the time.
  11. I wonder if it's a sample rate issue?
  12. Ok, I've never heard any of Walker's stuff so I'll give this a listen after lunch. We'll see which camp I fall into. And, Jay, I haven't heard enough of Massive Attack to pass final judgment but I also wasn't so impressed with Mezzanine that I raced off to get the rest of their collection. If you'd like to give a recommendation of what to listen to next I'm all ears.
  13. If/when you get ready to order some let me know. With my incoming W5k's I might be up for splitting shipping or some such arrangement.
  14. Phish - I worked with them on and off for 5 years and they were never anything more than entertaining. All the while people around me were gaga about something they did, but I just never got it. Massive Attack - Some of it is really, really good, but mostly it strikes me as uneven.
  15. Congrats on the SB3 Haj, coupled with the 840c acting as a DAC I bet you'll be pretty pleased.
  16. Happy Birthday, Haj, hopefully I'll have good news for you tomorrow.
  17. n_maher


  18. No, the ones that I purchased were never linked to here. I have no idea who, if anyone, bought that other pair.
  19. n_maher


    Says the guy w/ ~$6k of headphones in his sig. Shit, I wish I could not care about stuff like you don't care about stuff.
  20. n_maher


    Face facts deepak, you're fast approaching the need for a balanced source. Welcome to a world of pain my friend.
  21. I have no problem with different relative levels of gear, there are performance sacrifices with each unless you go really crazy. But it doesn't take that much of an amp to drive the veil off of every Senn can that I've encountered, hell my current rig (source excluded) is pretty f'ing low fi and sounds anything but veiled. And again, I just don't see much point in coming into a thread and saying what he did since his closing statement basically made what he said in the first part of the post pretty meaningless.
  22. catscratch, next time you test drive a car, try just driving it around the parking lot and then making final judgment since that's basically what you did with the HD650s.
  23. Yeah, he mentioned the last time I saw him that he had to build a building to house them all. That's just an insane # of tubes, I can't imagine trying to track that much inventory with a small business.
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