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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Ryan, Have you ever heard a Mapletree Ear? That amp might fit into a similar price range (especially used) and has been reported to sound good by many people. I can only comment on the modified Ear that I heard, which sounded fantastic.
  2. This is exactly what I do and I actually run a piece of shield up to each connector, not just one.
  3. No, mea culpa, missed the USB input. Still, for $1100 I can think of a few other DAC's that I'd prefer to own although that comes with the qualifier that I don't need or want USB input on my DAC's.
  4. I'll be around other pretty much any weekend I think. Unfortunately it looks like all I'll be able to provide is some interesting source options. And Haj, I hadn't seen the update on your Ipod situation, glad they took care of you even if it took a while.
  5. That's absurdly over-priced, I almost bought the same DAC last year for $650 (and yes it was the .24) and I've seen several others in the $800 range.
  6. Finished up a mini-rca last night. It started life as a single run of 24ga silver wire from HGA, was handed braided into this: And was then covered in nylon multifilament and terminated with a Neutrik 1/8" plug and Pro-fi RCA's.
  7. If I was in your shoes I'd be looking on the used market not new. If you're pretty sure that you're going to end up with a different amp anyway then why shell out full price and take a hit later? You'd stand a much better chance of at least coming close to breaking even with used gear. And heck, there's a used '6' for sale on HF right now for under $500 and includes some tubes for rolling.
  8. Zach, It has both SE and balanced outputs, the male XLRs in the middle of the two sets of RCAs. Everything to the left of the line out label is an output (see the internal wiring for proof).
  9. Take a picture of the back panel, damnit!
  10. Evidently my college days did more damage than I thought, no memory of this.
  11. Having nothing to explain is easier than having something to explain.
  12. I know my personal headphone threshold has pretty much been reached with the W5ks, hell it took a pretty unique circumstance to bring them to me in the first place.
  13. I've already got one pair on their way to me (W5000) and my wallet sure as hell can't take another pair of ~$600 headphones. And Jay, you may well be right about another headphone taking the place of the W5000 eventually, but simultaneous A/T's is not going to happen so it'll have to be a different pair of VTGs should that day come. For now I'm just planning on giving the W5ks a fair and thorough evaluation.
  14. [me=Vince]does not need more headphones, repeat, I do not need more headphones![/me]
  15. As I've said before, at this point oicdn is just being a pest to be a pest so I hardly blame Ray for taking action against him. He's under no obligation to answer any questions and if people bitching about them gets in the way of the sales action then I see where he's coming from cleaning things up.
  16. Thanks! Just FYI, total construction time for those is less than an hour with the biggest time suck being dealing with the shield. They do sound quite good though, especially given the extremely modest cost.
  17. Jebus, that's just crazy. I would have trouble justifying them at $650, never mind 3x that. The list of headphones I'd rather buy in that range is not short.
  18. RS-1s for $1500, no fracken way. Brown headband or not I've never seen them sell for more than $600ish.
  19. n_maher

    Canned Jam 08

    I have been told that I will be dragged, kicking and screaming whether I like it or not so yeah, I'm planning on being there. Probably try to arrive mid-day Friday and depart late Sunday.
  20. If by some chance GE doesn't still have the pretty purple cables we'll come up with something.
  21. You should be psyched in this case but yeah, it does run contrary to way things normally go for you folks across the pond.
  22. I wouldn't call Asr creepy.
  23. I'm sure that there are plenty of goods that are available for less $$ than they are in the US but the fact remains that Ebay is the cheapest way that I can get them to the US and by the time they get here they cost between $70 to $75.
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