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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. We have officially achieved Teh Funnay.
  2. You have clearly been without Whisky for too long.
  3. I wouldn't read too much into it, the parent company, Hug and Dance Audio, still has to approve the merger and has recently expressed concerns about the low-level affiliates (like Nugget) being allowed access to the high-end tech too quickly. A merger of two of the low-tech pieces may further upset the balance.
  4. Don't worry, Rockhopper North (formerly Nugget Audio) can help you out with either the adapter or wiring up the jack. Since you'd be dealing direct with a devision of Rockhopper your warranty would remain intact.
  5. Yeah, I'm good like that. First Impressions w/ Wadia 830 -> maxxed Millett Hybrid Some of what I heard in NY is still there, which is to say that I feel like something is missing from the midrange, I can't quite put my finger on yet. I'm throwing different genres at them right now to see what might highlight it for me. So far female fronted material has faired better than male, with male voices sounding more than a bit recessed and distant. Upper end detail is top notch without being the least bit harsh and the bottom end is decent, good clarity but not a whole heck of a lot of slam. I'm going to throw some metal at them next and see how they do with that before doing some back to back with my Hf-1s and HD650s. More later, unless I fall asleep in my chair.
  6. Right now, yes, very much. You tried the K1K's outta that sucker yet? [edit]And OH SNAP, check the mother f'ing black gates in that sucker?!??!?!
  7. I didn't see Ian's post before I started typing this reply but it would have been the same regardless... BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Right, me finish the amp in the next month. And congrats Haj!!!!
  8. You know, it's kinda funny, I operate ampless a lot of the time which is pretty damn odd for someone that builds there own amps. :| But I found a way to fire them up and I'm listening to them right now. First impression, they definitely sound different than the balanced recabled pair I heard in NYC. The next few hours should be interesting... Nice! Figure out what the heck you're going to use them for yet?
  9. Nice, let me know how it goes.
  10. Welcome to Head-case foo_me. FYI, you can say shit around here and no one will bat an eye.
  11. It would be pretty funny if the only real difference between the old RS-1s and the newer variety is that the older ones have been run in and abused enough to sound different. Regardless I simply can't find any justification for the $1000 premium that this last pair allegedly commanded.
  12. I think the higher up the ladder you climb the more likely that the CD player will have digital inputs. For whatever reason I've always been a sucker for the Wadia aesthetic and with that in mind I'd love to hear how much better this 860x sounds compared to my 830.
  13. Well, my W5ks arrived today. Dusty would approve, they are very, very dark black with subtle grain unlike the pair I tried in NYC. I am without an adapter at work that would let me try them but I'm sure I'll come up with a way to listen to them tonight.
  14. n_maher

    K1000 = hope

    Nice! The K1k remains one of my few temptations and depending on how my AT experiment goes that might be where I head next...
  15. Oh, I'm already a tweener, it's just a matter of how absurd the speaker rig gets. My guess is that it'll stay pretty reasonable (i.e. not Reks-like).
  16. I've been offered samples of some stuff before, even with full disclosure about who I am, what I do and the fact that it's unlikely that I'll generate much income for their company. Some people still offer and who am I to turn them down but in this case I'd bet they would charge regardless and more than likely flat turn me down. Still, can't hurt to ask...
  17. Hmmmm, I wonder if they would sell a sample ICE module to Nugget Audio...
  18. What on earth made them so "special"?
  19. OMG, you might actually take down one of your WTB threads?!?!
  20. Pure cosmetic light show as far as I know. And honestly, you probably know more about the circuit than I do.
  21. Because he's postjack and will do whatever the hell he wants. RESPECT!
  22. The site is definitely pissed, I can get to the forums main page but all of the actual forum links either take me back to the main page or come back with a database error. Oddly enough I was able to receive a PM though.
  23. Nice watch Peter, I like it.
  24. cue every owner of vintage RS-1s claiming vast sonic differences
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