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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I rather enjoyed the combo I was using last night. [1] Sylvania 6SN7WGT + [2] JAN Philips 5687WB's Haven't had a chance to roll much yet but I can say that I didn't really care for the first combo that I tried with was [3] EH 6SN7's w/a gold-pin EH in the input position. Pretty fuzzy, unfocused sound. I'm going to have some fun with Grados tonight probably and see how the MPX3 does driving low-ohm loads.
  2. Exactly...
  3. More snow. Got about 2" last night and the forecast is for an additional 4 to 6" today.
  4. I don't see how it could be done for $200, no way, no how. The bare modules cost $175 from TPA, add a trafo and you're now at $197 + shipping. And that's with no connectors, no wire, no chassis, etc. So I'd estimate that you're looking at ~$300 for just the parts for a SPDIF only Opus, probably more. If you want USB add another $75 in parts, same thing for the Ballsie. $200 is impossible.
  5. What makes what you've found so far not good quality wire?
  6. I'm wondering if he's just used to Head-Fi where outgoing messages are automatically saved whereas here you have to click the checkbox at the bottom of each message if you want a copy saved in your outbox. I forget to do that all the time and end up kicking myself later.
  7. No worries, the pico is seriously small.
  8. You're kidding, right, there's no fracken way the Pico has the room for RCAs.
  9. Ok, more pron of Mike's new amp. Definitely up for consideration for deal of the decade at least...
  10. Nah, this a recent production amp, very few bare wires in here. That's a good thing for me, less chance of getting a shock. Installing the preamp outputs looks to be a pretty simple process as well.
  11. Dude, you want to piss off your lawyer, go for it. Me, I want to stay on his good side... Aw hell, one pic can't hurt.
  12. I've asked Mike if it's cool to post pictures of his new toy, just waiting to hear back from him. I have no reason to suspect that he'll say anything other than yes, just want to make sure he's cool with it before I go showing off its guts.
  13. I just got a PM from you so they're working fine as far as I can see.
  14. I found opening the case quite easy, 4 fasteners and pop, naked MPX3.
  15. What, you want all my old and busted stuff?
  16. All I know so far is that it has a stepper in it in place of the standard volume pot. I hope to have a go at opening it up tonight but I'll be working late so I'm not sure how much time I"ll have to play.
  17. I'd greatly prefer something to nothing! I'll probably try to mark them in some way for Mike in case he picks up other adapters. And it's official he got the deal of the century on this amp.
  18. These adapters must be some of the earlier ones Mikhail did, they have no markings to indicate what the hell they're for. Thankfully they're all supposed to be for 5687's but that seems pretty crazy to not have them marked, doesn't it?
  19. Thanks guys, it's the newer style black chassis so that would mean the intput tube is front left with the drivers occupying the center and rear right positions, correct?
  20. Ok, probably a stupid question but without any instructions or any place to download them from could someone please tell me which position is the input tube? I'm guessing it is the rear-most position but guessing with stuff like this is beyond a bad idea. Clearly this doesn't matter if I'm using 3 6SN7s for testing purposes but considering this amp came with 5687 adapters I figured that its owner will more than likely want to know this info eventually.
  21. n_maher

    Speaker Cable

    My HT rig almost never sees critical listening so I'm in no position to give any meaningful advice about their relative value, worth, etc.
  22. n_maher

    Speaker Cable

    I could probable be convinced to build some speaker cables. Not sure if they're up to par with what you'd be expecting though.
  23. I think a lot of stuff uses the 1792 and the '94 is said to be an upgraded version of that chip. Google and ye' shall find.
  24. Music Hall, Shanling, and I'm sure some others.
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