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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Not likely, I prefer it with dual coax digital inputs and have precious little motivation to change that only to have to change it back when it returns home.
  2. Deepak's Northstar = Reks' old Northstar
  3. I figure given my luck with the Hertsens, the Arcam CD73, the Wadia and my future project this is pot/kettle situation. Congrats on the sweet K1k deal, I need more headphones like I need another whole in the head. Well you'll get that chance. Al has agreed to babysit the Hertsens for me for a couple of weeks so it'll be there for Mayberry even though I won't.
  4. You guys are making life awful hard for us non-MAC users. :'(
  5. n_maher


    You should dismiss that assumption, we all started somewhere and very few of us started with hi-fi gear. And most of us still own and use some of our original equipment in second systems, office or bedroom rigs, etc.
  6. Dude, you owned a Wheatfield HA-2, you've heard a Millett amp. Wheatfield = Millett.
  7. Agree, very cool. Love the fact that it still has digital outputs in that very small form factor.
  8. I guess the pre-order only lasted a day or so. You are right, Mike, it was $695 when Jack posted about it on Head-Fi but it's now listed at $850.
  9. It being late may be the least of your problems.
  10. Good luck with that.
  11. Aren't we touchy these days Beeeeleee. Seriously, what's up man? You only come around here now to tell people to fuck off.
  12. Must have been, I got scared there for a minute.
  13. How does the W5000 get hot?
  14. This just in from engadget: HD DVD group cancels CES press conference in wake of Warner announcement: daaamn
  15. I'm still trying to get you to give me your fracken address so I can send you the last cable you hand me build!
  16. n_maher

    slow forum

    Or try a cup of tea to see whether it's the caffeine or something else about the coffee.
  17. n_maher

    slow forum

    Coffee good, headache bad. Drink coffee.
  18. I wonder, just wonder, if Wadia isn't using their existing tech that creates a digital signal from an analog source here. The previous product was called the Wadia 17 IIRC.
  19. There's still the CanJam rumor...
  20. You know, I was sorta thinking the same thing.
  21. n_maher


    If I did anything I'd add a second crying baby image.
  22. 3 or 4yrs I think. I'm pretty sure it launched in '04.
  23. I'll be interested to see how they price them.
  24. Bumpers, I love it.
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