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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I couldn't find much to say what the individual products did either but based on the list prices the Wadia is cheaper by a large margin.
  2. Rumor has it that Pete has been up to some interesting stuff lately...
  3. Is there anything that says the devices you linked to use the digital out of the ipod or do they merely accept it as an analog input?
  4. Yes, that works too.
  5. n_maher = Pete Millett fanboy
  6. If so you'd have a wealth of knowledge and be able to contribute reviews. I vote yes for the new slogan just so Pretty Princess feels better and more comfortable.
  7. Yup, I get that part, I'm just confused about what Mike was trying to convey about the differences between the Duet, Transporter and SB3.
  8. But Mike said that the SB3 does not, so color me confused.
  9. n_maher


    I was mostly fishing to see if he'd ever tried to compare similar discrete vs. opamp implementations, not trying to imply that they can always be made to be equal. Now, hearing that his listening experience is somewhat limited in the scope of comparison (cheap opamps) I have a good frame of reference to qualify his rather strong hatred of opamps. Don't get me wrong, the best equipment that I've heard is a fully discrete design (amb's beta22) but I've also heard opamp based designs that sounded pretty good. I don't think that either of my sources, both of which are chips based, sound particularly awful either or mid-fi. Now that might just be my frame of reference and a measure of my wallet but the blanket dismissal of the opamp doesn't sit well with me.
  11. n_maher


    Something in that description leads me to believe it'd be significantly more $$ to implement that solution.
  12. n_maher


    I'd be more than just a little shocked to learn that it's cheaper and more cost effective to implement and design a discrete circuit that performs to the level of most high-end opamp based designs. Better performance is almost always possible if you don't care about price.
  13. n_maher


    Got any supporting documentation for that claim? Like similar designs, one done all discrete and one using the opamp equivalent and some measured results comparing the two.
  14. Yikes, some dvd player manufacturers are going to take a bath on this one, eh? The one good thing is that hopefully this will allow companies like Oppo to now start working on a BluRay player.
  15. rapidshare, megaupload, etc.
  16. Nice review, Todd. Well thought out and put together. But I find that what's missing is hour by hour updates of the burn in process. I believe that the industry standard is to update your review at least once every 15 hours. If you could add that, that'd be great. kthxbye.
  17. Oh lord, don't start in with that again.
  18. Oh yes, that's another good one. I always feel like Clark W. Griswold wondering why the lights won't turn on!
  19. Heh, I've been guilty of that as well. My Achilles heal is wiring the headphone output with ground and Left switched. I've done it so many damn times now that I can't believe I still do it. But sure enough last night I wired up the headphone jack on the beta22 that I'm testing wrong. Good f'ing grief!
  20. I don't know about you but my goal is to provide less examples in the future, not more.
  21. I do not understand why anyone would buy a Tomahawk. Hornet, sure, it's a decent enough little piece but the T just doesn't make any sense to me.
  22. I drink liquor almost exclusively these days. Beer does not site well at all (I believe I've developed an allergy to most of it) so it's not so much a matter of choice since I very much enjoyed drinking beer but one of necessity. Enjoyed a glass of Highland Park 12yr last night as a matter of fact. And I find a good vodka tonic every bit as refreshing as a beer after a long day in the hot sun.
  23. We've all been there in some way or the other, Jack. I did about 2 hours of trouble shooting on my first Cmoy before I finally posted and had someone tell me that I'd simply wired the headphone jack wrong. :| Don't get me started about the PPA that I fixed for Ian that took months to figure out that I'd wired the power supply wrong after fixing the real problem. The list goes on and on...
  24. I think it's the fact that it's only 6:40pm on the West Coast and that maybe the preview hasn't really started yet. Who knows, jude was supposed to broadcast something live I thought but I'm not sticking around to wait. More IEMs can wait till morning.
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