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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher

    fucking crap

    The way that I see it is that assuming the DAC is wired properly it's likely that the case is tied to safety ground (the ground at the IEC). If your outlet is ungrounded then safety ground floats and the chassis carries whatever voltage is present. When you touch the case you're becoming the path to ground. I can't remember if you've already figured out if the outlet you're using is grounded but if it is then something really weird is going on. It's also weird that there would be any voltage present at the ground unless there was a short of some kind and that could be either on the AC or DC side of things.
  2. n_maher

    fucking crap

    Can't say I see anything particularly wrong with that. But if it's shocking you with any regularity I'd get it looked at before using it again.
  3. T-minus a few minutes before Jacob is po' again.
  4. Now why'd you have to go and ruin a perfectly good plan.
  5. Or we could just wire up that 4-pin jack on your beta22 and save you some money.
  6. All you AKG fanboys look the same to me.
  7. I'm starting it this weekend, can't wait.
  8. n_maher

    fucking crap

    Can't say that I'll know either.
  9. n_maher

    fucking crap

    Change it to monthly instead of weekly, I did that over the xmas holiday so it wouldn't go all blank on me. Yours would look like this if you did: Man, it sure sounds like you've got a short going to ground which is likely tied to the case. If it were me I'd pop the lid and see how the IEC inlet is wired and post a pic or two. Maybe it's something simple.
  10. Coming from you, Young, that's freakin' priceless.
  11. I'd wager that both of those aspects were intentional and not at all accidental.
  12. See around me there isn't much market (out in the woods) so anyone that has one still thinks that it's worth more than it is and wants full value for any games included. One add I looked at today wanted $750 for a PS3 + 8 or 9 games and looked thrashed. I think I'll stick to the waiting game for now.
  13. Hmm, would the wife actually fall for this?
  14. Now if they can just get some lower cost Blu-Ray players in the pipe-line that format might actually survive.
  15. I'm inching closer to ordering one as well.
  16. n_maher

    fucking crap

    Dan, that sucks. But odds are that the window replacement is going to chew up more than half your deductible so you might as well file and get some $$ back for the stuff that they stole.
  17. Say wha?
  18. Yeah, and it was A, B, not B, A.
  19. Blueberry muffins cooking in the oven.
  20. Unless I'm mistaken Voltron has his already so you can count on one being at MOA. Not to mention that tyrion already has his, and so does thrice, etc, etc.
  21. Well clearly you've got some DIY idiots for friends so if help is needed just know it's there.
  22. Frack that sucks Vicki. I'd say send it to Singlepower East but I'm guessing the problem is more than I can handle. I assume that you tried different tubes to eliminate that as the cause. If it's nothing simple like that I'd be all over Mikhail for a replacement, not a repair.
  23. I couldn't find much to say what the individual products did either but based on the list prices the Wadia is cheaper by a large margin.
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