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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher

    fucking crap

    Dude, that's f'ed up.
  2. I had a little bit of free time today so I decided to undertake the tedium that is matching all of the resistors for my balanced beta22. I guess this now officially qualifies as my next project.
  3. That's good news, I was only hoping that it wouldn't be worse.
  4. How's the isolation compared to the Etys, Zach?
  5. Do the snow tires, Haj and get them somewhere local that will work the seasonal changeover into the price so that you don't need a spare set of rims. I went out and picked up gas for the snowblower today. We're forecast to get somewhere between 12 to 16" overnight and tomorrow. Yikes.
  6. You need snow tires, Haj. My wife's Civic was god-awful in the snow until we equipped it with proper tires. And we didn't even go with studs, just standard snows.
  7. n_maher

    fucking crap

    If the ground pin is somehow lifted it might be possible for it to be part of the problem. I still don't understand why you've got voltage on the chassis to start with though.
  8. Hey, if you want to opamp roll to try and mask another problem that's fine by me but unless you change the opamp to something that rolls off the treble or otherwise causes the amp to not have its ruler-flat frequency response I'm just saying I don't think you'll hear a substantial difference in the overall presentation. The M3 is a very resolving amp, you've probably never had one like it, so now you're finding that some of your other components are not its equal.
  9. n_maher

    fucking crap

    First place I would look is by the AC power switch.
  10. If it were me I would not try to solve a problem that doesn't exist yet. You like the E500/530, have essentially a brand new pair, and I'd bet that Shure will treat it like your warranty reset with the new headphones. I see no reason to buy or sell anything.
  11. My guess is that the M3 is not the problem or part that needs tweaking if you're finding things too bright.
  12. Amphion Ions, which I quickly found out are a touch expensive for computer speakers. At least for me they were. edit - Mike beat me to it, but didn't provide a link so I chimed in anyway.
  13. Don't think that one hasn't been priced. The problem is that getting raw aluminum panels, machining them and then sending them out to be anodized is so far completely cost prohibitive.
  14. Yes, and they also made the "Hertsens" badge as well. You'll see similar things from me in the future.
  15. You should ask FPE if they can handle material thicker than 4mm, then you can just buy the panel from Hifi2000 and send it to FPE for fabrication. They allow you to send the material to be modified, I do know that for sure.
  16. Nah already done the 325s, time to try something different so it's 225s this time.
  17. The problem as I see is that depending on the thread pitch you could have a tough time with the max FPE panel thickness not being thick enough to do what you're trying to do. If FPE fails you might have a try with emachineshop.com, although they would probably going to be a lot more expensive.
  18. Well done you. Me, some soon-to-be-modded Grados.
  19. No but I've read enough posts by you today to start to wonder if you are, in fact, just a jackass. Prove me wrong, I won't mind.
  20. Are you really this much of a jackass?
  21. Geez man, you're working OT for this freebie huh? Kinda makes you look bad, at least from where I sit.
  22. Are you seeing them in the disc manager or just the device manager. If you can see them in the Disc Management portion of XP you can try assigning one them a drive letter. Although really you should only see one of them in the Drive Manager since the other is supposed to be an inaccessible ghost, right? I'm guessing you're part way home but not all the way there.
  23. Both those links take me to the same page, what does my link do for you that's any different?
  24. You can probably ignore everything but Justin's posts. Try this. In case the link above is too much work for you your options are, DAC/No DAC, color and length of USB cable to be included if you ordered the DAC. That's it as far as I know. Right now, probably not. I'm guessing he's managing about 300 orders and that it may take a while to email you back.
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