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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. That's a hell of a deal, unless the amp was built terribly. Feel free to shoot me a PM with a link to the amp for sale and I'll take a look at it for you.
  2. If I had to buy a commercial DAC I'd probably be on the hunt for an Electrocompaniet ECD-1. Generally can be found in the $1100-$1200 range used and to my ears was one of the better sources I've heard. That Salted Peanut guy can probably offer a better opinion.
  3. What am I, chopped liver? [me=Vince]puts posty back on teh DIY ban list....[/me]
  4. Before you unceremoniously kicked it to the curb.
  5. Phillips CDM12 according to the designer. No clue. I'd suggest digging through this and seeing if you can find what you're looking for. I'll see if I still have any of the other info that the man'f provided with the kit and get back to you.
  6. It's also worth noting that the output level of any amp will be directly proportional to the input signal strength. So if you're using 1V source or a 4V source it absolutely makes a difference.
  7. Yeah, and from what I can find the low gain = 2, which I have a hard time believing doesn't allow for much adjustability. To the OP: what are you using for a source? [edit]Frack, does the OP not even own one?
  8. The kludgey solution would be to simply put an impedance adapter on the output (like the Ety ER4s cable) which would effectively lower the gain. I honestly don't know what the low-gain is on the Pico but it's probably more of an issue with its DAC having a proper 2V output which is more than double something like an Ipod.
  9. n_maher


    Are you still working on the underpants mod as well?
  10. Welcome to the nut house, Steve. We're glad to have you here.
  11. Am I the only one who can't see the friggen pictures again.
  12. n_maher


    I've always been told that unless you have complete control of subwoofer placement in your room you'd best be getting 2 to make sure that you can level match and not have directional bass. With that in mind, if I had the desire I'd be looking at Outlaw's LFM-2. Compact package, plenty of extension (in my book) and affordable enough so that I could run twins. Doesn't have continuous phase adjustment but has 0-180 switch which has been enough in my experience.
  13. Bah, still costs way less than a transporter and can be coupled to any DAC you want.
  14. Agreed, it would be best if it worked as a remote for any Squeezebox device, which it might, I can't remember.
  15. I can't think of anything that would preclude me from attending. Let's throw some dates out there. This Sunday is probably out but how about the following? No football to worry about missing.
  16. The world's blackest black.
  17. I'm currently lusting after the SB-duet, solves my issues with one device.
  18. Possible, maybe even probable.
  19. Awfully expensive for a remote, isn't it?
  20. Fracken sweet dude.
  21. The weird thing is that the headphone is pretty damn quiet, certainly quieter than the preamp outputs that I added even though they're essentially the same thing. So I'm pretty sure that it's not a ground loop although now that I think about it the amp does have a slight issue with the grounding of the volume pot. Not sure why this would effect the preamp outputs more...
  22. I think if you like their music you'd be hard pressed not to like the film. I'm 10 minutes (1 song) in and it's fracken great. I'll probably wait and watch the rest with the benefit of speakerz.
  23. Previewing this...
  24. There's a barely used 0404 on HF right now, I almost snatched it up for my work rig.
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