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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. No worries Al, I was in the office for 12hrs yesterday and am shooting for 14 today. I wouldn't be using it even if it was at home.
  2. Yup, everything that I've read leads me to believe that the only Blu-Ray player worth buying right now is a PS-3 and that's not going to happen for me any time soon. Hopefully, low-cost, standard configuration, reliable players will be in the near future or both formats could die.
  3. Am I the only one who can't keep all the stax model lines, names, combinations straight?
  4. Another nail in the HD-DVD coffin. http://www.engadget.com/2008/02/11/netflix-picks-blu-ray-good-luck-renting-an-hd-dvd-soon/
  5. I'm just gonna venture a guess and say that Peter could give a shit either way. And the fact that you feel like you need to mention it, put down other schools, etc., just adds to my overall picture of you.
  6. You should really cover it in techflex. You could totally like charge twice as much if you did. And don't forget name brand logo heat shrink in an illegible font. That's how the really cool kids roll.
  7. I believe that Nenso is a worthy addition. lol.
  8. What did I tell you about the lols...
  9. One more lol and you'll get the .
  10. I think the full title ends with "Pays Jude a Visit" but I just love that the way the forums are setup it allows one to use their imagination to complete the sentence.
  11. Speaking of the funny, every time I see this I get a good chuckle...
  12. Note: you bought a $165 Ipod dock. Nuff said.
  13. Yup, between the two of them there's some good laughing there.
  14. Order? Call 555-1212 for more information.
  15. Duet cable V1.0 w/ inputs and outputs.
  16. Oh by all means tell me what you were going to say, I'm a big boy, I can take the criticism. And if there are mods to be done I'm all ears. I've already got a stash of blu-tak lined up and ready for some strategic chassis damping. I looked for a good long time and in the sub $1000 market my choices were severely limited with most options being nothing more than decent CD players. I've got one of those (the Arcam) and will certainly compare the two side by side before deciding if the EAD is the one to keep. At the price I'm paying I could pretty easily get my $$ back plus some on Audiogon.
  17. Gotcha, my mistake. In my research I'm sure I just confused the two. Regardless, I wanted a good front loader transport and options in my price range are few and far between. I don't have two grand to throw at this.
  18. Always bet on black. I was chasing four of them this weekend and this was the only one left to make an offer on unless I wanted a matching DAC to go with it. Nice, I lost track of what day it was. I need to place an order from them tomorrow. It's all one and the same as far as I know.
  19. Now just waiting on a paypal payment request for an Enlightened Audio Design T-1000 transport. Uses the same VRDS transport that TEAC and Wadia do, is still serviceable by the original designers through Noble Electronics and should pair nicely with my gear. Should be getting a hell of a deal on it too, about 33% less than the going Audiogon rate.
  20. You'd think, coming from Canada, that it'd be something messed up like that wouldn't you? But no, it's pretty pedestrian really.
  21. Nope, no Canadian email yet. [me=Vince]grumbles...[/me]
  22. The Hertsens will never be sold. In my end-game rig that's my primary digital front end coupled to my SB3 and the "transport to be named later". I currently have two other digital front ends, one of which I was using as a transport (the Arcam CD73) and the other I was using whenever I felt like it (the Wadia). If the purchase goes through for the new transport and it works well I'll find new homes for both of the other players. I don't trust any company that only has renderings of a product on their website.
  23. We'll see, evidently Canadians don't check their email every 10 minutes like I do.
  24. Trying not to get too excited but it looks like I'm close to closing a deal on a transport that I've been searching for forever. It will mean more changes to the rig but will be one step closer to the overall goal of consolidation.
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