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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. The used deals on craigslist in NH are awful. I looked for a while yesterday and it's all asshats asking for $600 for their system that includes a bunch of games I don't want and they got for free. If I could find one for ~$300 I'd probably be all over it.
  2. You guys are killing me...
  3. Haj, Keep your eyes on: http://www.fidelisav.com/preowned.html and http://www.ensemble-hometheater.com/preowned.php3 for other local good deals. You could also call either place and see if they have stuff that they haven't listed. I've dealt with both before with good results but more with Fidelis lately.
  4. They are saying 6 to 10" in my neck of the woods, wuhoo! UPS better deliver my goddamn transport!
  5. QFT Does that count as another time?
  6. I believe for 99% of people you're probably correct. The idea that one would be worth 3x the other is insane.
  7. Unless I'm mis-remebering things I believe that they're exotic paper-in-oil film caps, not electrolytics. I think the first version used some soy bean oil cap or something like that.
  8. see retired in websters dictionary for more information.
  9. Happy Birthday, Dan!
  10. As far as I know there aren't really any more 500V blackgates. In this case I think we're talking other caps, he used some exotica on the first 10 and had to use something else on the next 10. I wonder what he's using moving forward?
  11. Or mayhap whatever else Pete might have been up to...
  12. Do you want to build or buy? I'm guessing buy, given the price range. If so I'd find your way down to Florida and see what catches your eye. I think there'll be at least a couple new drool worthy options to consider.
  13. Yes, but at ~70lbs the Heavyweight rings true as well.
  14. So far it's only being called The Menace or The Heavyweight.
  15. I'm such a friggen sucker for glass...
  16. Any truth to the rumor that the 80gig PS3 has been discontinued?
  17. [me=Vince]Feels the pressure to buy a PS3...[/me]
  18. Much, thanks!
  19. Yeah, but you're a K701 disciple so that must be factored appropriately.
  20. No worries Jay, I fixed it for him.
  21. UPS informs me that my transport has officially entered the US.
  22. Yeah, I think it's official that I got that all wrong.
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