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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I think when the wife sees yet another CD player arriving today she's likely to be less than impressed. If I had to admit that I had yet another one ordered she might kill me.
  2. Not sure if this transport as AES or not but if someone was looking for a good, inexpensive transport I'd snatch this up. http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtltran&1209096234 Heck, if my EAD wasn't arriving today I'd buy it. I might anyway...
  3. Either DigiKey or Mouser carries some very nice Grayhill switches, I've got one at home and will look up the part number for you tonight.
  4. Naaaaaaaaaaaah, I think between the new fudge guy and sarah (or whatever) the FTL quotient is handled. You are win.
  5. I don't get it?
  6. Priceless, this from a guy who just accused someone of GAYLY thread jacking something. Look around, you'll find that newcomers who take a minute to understand what this forum is all about get along just fine. Those that instantly announce themselves as morons generally do nothing other than to further that initial impression. You're running down that path right now. And please, it'll take more than this to get you banned. Precious few have gotten banned from this place, I doubt you'll measure up.
  7. Finally finished Season 1 of Great show, can't wait to start Season 2.
  8. So I've got the wife's approval on this but I want a rational full run down of why I really should do this. The list that I can come up with goes like this: 1. BluRay player, probably the best of the bunch until Oppo comes out with theirs which may not be until early 09. - Now the question is how is it as a BR player? What sort of remote options are available? Will my Harmony be able to control it? 2. Media center. I've heard rumors about this capability and I'd like to hear more. I seem to remember something about the 40gig (only version currently availble) not being as good as the 80 in this respect. Thoughts? 3. Good gaming fun of course. So have at it, sell me on this thing.
  9. You have friends who can help with that, Haj.
  10. Ack, sorry to hear about the busted gear Mike. Even a smartass can appreciate what a pain that is.
  11. You do know what Mike's front door looks like, right? Just in case...
  12. was pretty decent.
  13. No, that'd be Gran Turismo 4. I keed, I keed, although isn't there supposed to be a new version of that this year?
  14. Thanks, but no thanks.
  15. Alright, now UPS is really on my shit list. They're charging me a $23.75 brokerage fee for the package. You have to be shitting me, I've gotten plenty of international stuff and this is a first. Never again UPS, never again.
  16. It's only taken me 4yrs to get to that level of frustration.
  17. Nope, just not going to start another f'ing project before I finish this one.
  18. Not Gonna Happen in '08
  19. [4] Johnson octal ceramic sockets
  20. I could if I wanted to drive to Manchester = no thanks!
  21. At least they let me re-direct the package to my office for Monday delivery. \
  22. UPS is officially on my shit list. Despite leaving instructions taped to my basement door for how to handle my transport they refused to deliver it. GODDAMNIT!
  23. Remember that if you are true portophile you want an 18" or so cable to go to your shuffle which you will keep in your breast pocket.
  24. One must me willing to make certain sacrifices in the name of audio goodness.
  25. Let me get through my current computer crisis and we'll see what I've got for spare change. Thanks for the offer.
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