I thought kevin had already posted that somewhere here? Looked and can't find it but I'd swear we had part of this discussion before... Yup, found the other reference to Kevin's comments in your "low power SET" thread. I know that the measured noise on the output of the beta22 is pretty fricken low and that the measured example was setup to be a head/speaker amp, not a preamp. Still, please feel free to PM me what Kevin had to say, I'm curious.
It makes one wonder if the b22 in question was setup to be a preamp? I have no idea what Nanoha's beta was setup like but I'm guessing it had the stock gain of 8 which is ridiculous for a preamp. Beyond that it's really a speaker amp first, absurd headphone amp second. Would you try and use any other speaker amp as a preamp? And I have to wonder about anyone claiming to get noise out of one and whether or not they built a single-chassis amp which is damn near impossible to make silent without a shielded trafo. That's user error, not amp error.
So I guess what I'm saying is that expecting something that was built to drive moderate speaker loads to be a great preamp seems odd to me. But, properly configured the beta22 should make an excellent preamp. Haj, yours would likely take a little tweaking but at least it's starting life as a two box design which should help.