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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Steve, I'm assuming that the subs are active and have some sort of level adjustment on them. If so, I wouldn't think that their performance would suffer all that much if you fed them from the beta without modification. Heck, you might be able to feed them direct from the Opus depending on what their requirements are.
  2. Thanks for the input Kevin.
  3. Here's your second chance, don't fuck it up.
  4. What are your planned mods? Lower the supply voltage (assuming it's at the stock 30V now) and drop the gain down to 2?
  5. And this goes back to my original question, is it really any surprise that what is basically a speaker amp doesn't make the best preamp? Although I'm still shocked to hear anyone claiming to hear audible noise out of a properly built beta22.
  6. Just an FYI, you can't remote link to any of AMB's amp pages, they'll all take you to the root directory. Also, Ti freely recognized early on that the M
  7. I thought kevin had already posted that somewhere here? Looked and can't find it but I'd swear we had part of this discussion before... Yup, found the other reference to Kevin's comments in your "low power SET" thread. I know that the measured noise on the output of the beta22 is pretty fricken low and that the measured example was setup to be a head/speaker amp, not a preamp. Still, please feel free to PM me what Kevin had to say, I'm curious. It makes one wonder if the b22 in question was setup to be a preamp? I have no idea what Nanoha's beta was setup like but I'm guessing it had the stock gain of 8 which is ridiculous for a preamp. Beyond that it's really a speaker amp first, absurd headphone amp second. Would you try and use any other speaker amp as a preamp? And I have to wonder about anyone claiming to get noise out of one and whether or not they built a single-chassis amp which is damn near impossible to make silent without a shielded trafo. That's user error, not amp error. So I guess what I'm saying is that expecting something that was built to drive moderate speaker loads to be a great preamp seems odd to me. But, properly configured the beta22 should make an excellent preamp. Haj, yours would likely take a little tweaking but at least it's starting life as a two box design which should help.
  8. Animal crackers.
  9. n_maher

    UPS Sucks

    Nah, no more top loading transports for me. And no because I had a pretty rough go of it with the first HiFiDIY transport, customs mangled the box and I was missing about half the fasteners for the kit. My luck with transports/cd/dvd players is epically bad.
  10. n_maher

    UPS Sucks

    Source chain goes like this: SB3 ----> Hertsens DAC or Arcam ----> Hertsens DAC All the Arcam does is read the info and feed the Hertsens a digital signal. It's a fine transport and I really should leave well enough alone. But I'm an idiot, love gadgets and had a hankering for a dedicated transport. I think my need for one has passed and I'll stick with what I've got that works.
  11. I swear, if you don't shut up now I'm going to really start messing with you.
  12. God I love DigiKey - order placed at 10:57am, order shipped at 12:20pm. That's great service.
  13. n_maher

    UPS Sucks

    For now (and probably the foreseeable future) my Arcam CD73. I may send the Wadia in to have the digital output added but I seem to have issues with shipping lately so I'm not exactly excited about that prospect.
  14. I thought you were Mr. Boss Man, bump it back again dude!
  15. n_maher

    UPS Sucks

    Hmmm, I never really thought about it like that. In the end it's a pretty crappy situation for both of us but I have some confidence that as a result of his profession he may have better luck negotiating with UPS than I would have.
  16. A ticket to CanJam?
  17. He's ahead? Could have fooled me. Oh WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Quit trying to act so cool and you'll be fine.
  18. I've got bracket V1.0 done.
  19. Careful, you're starting to resemble that asshat comment I made earlier...
  20. Would you have preferred if she lied to you or went on for 3 paragraphs explaining her answer? Welcome to a filter free environment (for the most part, unless you're an asshat), get over it.
  21. I owned the HFI-700 for a time and if these are an evolution of those I'd have to say that I have very little interest in auditioning them as a music headphone. I can however second the idea that they may in fact do quite well for movies. While it would never be my first choice to watch a movie via headphones there are times when it is more polite to do so in a shared living environment and the HFI 700 DVD's that I had were by far the best headphone that I've used for this purpose. Still it wasn't enough to keep them in my collection as they were not much good for anything else.
  22. n_maher

    UPS Sucks

    Yeah, it ended up being a $50 failed experiment but could have gone much, much worse. And it is nice to have closure on this.
  23. n_maher

    UPS Sucks

    Well my saga with the transport officially ended today with the near full refund that I received from the seller. In the end he was more than fair and I feel lucky that the transaction was conducted with someone like that. Otherwise right now I'd be doubly screwed (no money, no transport). I also think that this officially ends my search for a transport. The End
  24. Vicki, I think I've related this experience before but to my ears the Equation Audio RP-22X's have sounded downright awful out of everything short of a beta22. They seem to respond pretty favorably to that type of amplification which is in no way represented in their specifications. Weird indeed.
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