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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Not really sure, my guess is that it's about the same size.
  2. Sorry, it has an owner, he just doesn't know it yet. Best of luck, I'm seriously bummed to be missing the meet. Something tells me it'd be more fun than Easter with the in-laws. :|
  3. Thanks, I do as well. They're pretty reasonably priced and I like the fact that they are color coded, it saves on the heat shrink needed.
  4. I actually looked at that yesterday, but no this isn't a transport.
  5. I shall speak of this purchase until more details are confirmed... :fingerscrossed:
  6. All I'm saying is wish me luck.
  7. Just for that I decided to build another cable tonight. The SUCKITALO mini-mini: And while I was at it I finished this: It's a K1000 -> speaker adapter made from Vampire CCC cable w/ Vampire bananas and a Neutrik 4-pin XLR.
  8. Really? That's messed up. Stuff it in a padded envelope and send it up for warranty repair.
  9. Incorrect, I specifically excluded cable making from the retirement.
  10. It's a prototype jacko and ultimately I let the end user decide how they want their cable to look. As usual, this isn't for me.
  11. Start to finish I'd guess that cable to less than 2 hours, probably closer to an hour and a half. There wasn't anything worth watching on TV last night so I built this instead. I thought you already had an equally swanky Senn cable? And does nums even own Senns? Or are you talking other cables which both of you still have to get back to me with information on? I swear I've sent nums at least a couple emails about this...
  12. Looks would be slightly deceiving there, it's probably on par with my old Zu Senn cable in that regard. The insulation on this cable is very thick and with 4-strands being braided (even loosely) there's no way to end up with something that is all that flexible. But it's not aggravatingly stiff, that's for sure.
  13. It went ok, typical of a first effort. I think the second time around will be much easier. I didn't experience any problems with the pins overheating or getting loose as some others have reported but I definitely cooked a little of the surrounding plastic at the solder points. Hard not to really but I think they always intended you to cover them up with shrink like I did. I also filled the cavity around the pins with hot glue to hopefully keep everything nice and stable, then applied a layer of adhesive lined shrink which laps from the cable onto the lower section of strain relief and finally wrapped the whole connector in 1/2" 3:1 non-adhesive shrink to capture the whole thing. It sure seems like it will result in a nice durable cable. And of course thanks for the kind words.
  14. So I finally got around to using one of the sets of Cardas Senn connectors that I have last night. This cable is form my new "SUCKITALO" line of cables and uses Neotech unobtainium UP-OCC wire (22ga) braided per the OCD instructions posted by the guys at Chimera Labs. The main body of the cable is wrapped in nylon multifilament and terminated with a somewhat pedestrian Neutrik plug. I spent about an hour listening to it last night and I have to say that it was sounding fracken great.
  15. Who could have imagined it, the two robots were both born on the same day. Happy Birthday!
  16. I'm guessing that it is at least somewhat a result of him being a pioneer of the concept of geosynchronous orbit. Or at least that's what I've been told.
  17. That fact makes me want to buy it less.
  18. No, no it's not.
  19. Ooooh, I hadn't seen those. I smell a custom power cable in my near future. I tend to use pretty generic stuff in my power cables, usually sourced from the local big box store. I'll have to look more closely at the VH audio stuff and Neotech for my current project which will have a 10A heater. [edit]scratch Neotech off my list, any company that makes bulk cable that costs $300 a foot is bonkers.
  20. Potentially easier to find and less expensive. I'm not sure how available 4-gang steppers were as little as 5 years ago.
  21. Am I the only one not bothered by the change? Seems pretty fricken benign to me although I can see why it would affect some more than others.
  22. Nice! For my next project I decided to go w/ dual 4-pin Amphenol's.
  23. As long as there's no active ground channel you should be fine.
  24. Good luck with them, I'll be curious to hear your thoughts after getting to know them a bit.
  25. Steve, I'm assuming that the subs are active and have some sort of level adjustment on them. If so, I wouldn't think that their performance would suffer all that much if you fed them from the beta without modification. Heck, you might be able to feed them direct from the Opus depending on what their requirements are.
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