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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Happy Birthday to the both of you!
  2. That's just the wires themselves. Highly unlikely, there isn't much space if any and I'm not sure if putting a sink on the end of the pin would really help all that much.
  3. Good points. Of course I use both a vise and a helping hands tool. You need four or five hands to do this right.
  4. It is somewhat of a delicate dance. Basically I strip enough wire so that there is a good amount exposed wire to set the iron on so that the heat is applied directly to the wire, not the pin. I use my Hakko 936 with the stock screwdriver type tip, it's a tight fit in there but I've been able to do it without melting the connector so far. I then flow just a bit of solder to allow some conduction between the wire and pin and then apply a bit more solder to facilitate the connection. That all takes about 3 seconds I'd say, if it starts taking longer I stop and wait for things to cool down before trying again. It usually works the first time and I haven't had it take more than 2 to get a good connection. I also then fill the remaining cavity in the Cardas connector with hot glue to try and take as much strain off of the soldered connection as possible. I also use a layer of adhesive-lined heat shrink between the connector's strain relief and the exposed wires with the same idea in mind. Then I wrap the whole business in on final layer of non-adhesive shrink to finish it off. Bottom line, it's really not that hard but you do have to have the right tools and supplies.
  5. That's 24ga Neotech UP-OCC copper. I wanted to try it vs. the 22ga that I used on Ryan's cable. It is a bit more flexible and perhaps more importantly (for the postjack acceptance factor) not flesh toned. Wow, that's crazy, I don't think I've ever seen a Stefan cable before. [edit] I take that back, I just hadn't seen their K1K cables before. But, given that they state they're using OCC copper it's highly likely that this is in fact a very similar cable. And I guess that Vicki can feel like she got a pretty good deal since the 10' K1K cable w/ 1/4" termination runs $349 and the similar Senn cable $319.
  6. Depending on what you like to watch a RS account might be an easy way around ratios and you'd probably get better download speeds as well.
  7. I ended up turning down my invitation (maybe you got mine???) but I'll still be curious to see how it goes for you. Seemed like their forums were pretty full of glitch threads which scared me off plenty given that my D-link is still working just fine.
  8. n_maher

    Battlestar Galactica

    Damn I've got some catching up to do. I was at the gym yesterday and unfortunately caught the first three seconds of a commercial for Season 4 which served as a semi-spoiler since I'm so far behind.
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Heh, I have that T-shirt.
  11. I finished Season 3 of Buffy last night and I think now I'm going to try watching the remaining seasons alongside Angel, which I've seen very little of, so that I can get the crossover material in proper sequence. I will say that having re-watched the first 3 seasons again I fail to see a show on TV right now that's as well written and performed. Damnit, it was just great.
  12. Why not a Touch? I mean, if you're going to spend money on an Ipod why not get the one you want?
  13. Yup, not sure they're worth half the going rate but since there are plenty of people willing to pay it that's what they're worth.
  14. No need to take offense (at least it sounds like you are), you're tagged as an MOT which I believe you requested and I have no idea what you do or don't do, I can only speak for me. $30 sounds more than fair to me not that my opinion on the matter, matters.
  15. You keep quiet, you!
  16. One half is the not-for-profit arm of suckitalo. Dude, don't you like know that connectors like only mess with the signal and that it's always best to use a direct connection? Sheesh.
  17. I think you'll need at least two chisels, one rough gouge and another facing tool. Otherwise you'll never get the faces of the cups flat if you just have a gouge. Basically I'd go for at least the first three on the left hand side of this image.
  18. Hard to price something that doesn't exist. Seriously though, outside of doing a few cables for friends I have no plans to produce any products under any names. You should talk to GE about a Senn cable, he's much better at this stuff than I am.
  19. If I'm not mistaken the Headfive circuit and the PIMETA are actually pretty similar.
  20. I may have coined the phrase but it's not my website. Although I suspect that it's my cables that John is talking about.
  21. How big is the room it's going in Vincent? Is this going to be a hybrid HT/TV room? Basically I think the first thing that you need to figure out is what is an appropriately sized TV. If it's a HT only room then you'll only be dealing w/ high-def content so you can go larger. If this is a dual duty room my experience is that it's better to err on the slightly smaller side so that regular def material doesn't look awful.
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. If you email Apogee they'll send you the pinout, at least they sent it to me. I don't have it with me or I'd post the pinout.
  24. Buffy: Season 3 Makes for a surprisingly good background while working on a Saturday.
  25. Dude, SWEET!!
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