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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Watched last week's Reaper last night. I really enjoy that show.
  2. I haven't had a pet for a while and probably won't for a good long time. The last one that I had was Mooch, the cat that came with our house (long story). Mooch passed away last winter, she was an exclusively outdoor cat and choose the wrong place to try and stay warm during an ice storm. Before that was Sam, the dog that I grew up with. I miss her like heck.
  3. Al, I've tried a diffuser and honestly, in most situations, just bouncing the flash (assuming the ceiling is reasonably low and fairly reflective) works better for how I like things to look. Of course Tyll's diffuser is way more sophisticated than the one I use so his results are much better with it, mine still results in too much of a direct flash look. Still, there are situations which demand the use of a diffuser to avoid the brutal hot spot that any direct flash (on or off camera) is going to provide when you can't bounce. See if you can find one of the simple cap style diffusers and then play around with it to see what angle results in the best results.
  4. Thanks man, I'm looking forward to getting to hear it again too. I got far too little time with it before it left for FLA. They are in fact 100uF, my source has them from time to time. Shoot me a PM if you'd like the link. Actually, as far as amps go I'm retired. I still build the occasional cable but I'm done w/ amps for a good long time, sorry.
  5. Before getting a lens I'd get a good flash. To me proper lighting can make or break meet pics. I've never had an issue using my stock nikon lens even though I lust for a good wide angle zoom.
  6. Don't you have boxes to be bringing to the hotel?
  7. n_maher

    OICDN Fan

    I'm weak... http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f11/im-local-celeb-320825/index2.html#post4149019
  8. Given an unlimited amount of space, sure, but in an office rig I'd think that active speakers and the lack of a need for an amp might be welcome.
  9. Can't say that my ears have ever perceived the HR stuff as bright or fatiguing either, but I suppose this is one of those thing even more than quality that is probably highly variable and completely user dependent.
  10. If I have some time tonight I may give this a shot.
  11. Glad someone grabbed it, I meant to do it last night but forgot.
  12. Beeeeeely, If you'd like to try a pair of Equation Audio RP22x's (MOAR BASE!!) shoot me a PM. I'd think they would make fine DJ headphones given the semi-exaggerated low frequency response, closed nature and swivel cups.
  13. n_maher

    OICDN Fan

    Oh god, I hadn't noticed the freakishly oversized feet before... bwaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha!!! Think I'd get banned if I posted...
  14. And this after I finish the Menace. Nice score Kevin!
  15. I'd hit the pawn shops looking for an inexpensive integrated or power amp. I don't think you'll find much in your budget that isn't used. Oh, and you might look for a Gain Clone as well.
  16. n_maher

    Markl Mods

    Purk, Shoot Mike a PM on Head-Fi, he's been receiving gear at his office for the meet.
  17. I do not think it is what you think it is. Either that or it's news to me...
  18. Say what now?
  19. There's no way that that post is from Jennifer. If it is...
  20. What a colossal crock of shit.
  21. You know, I was afraid of PTP wiring for the longest time but the more that I thought about it I figured it was pretty much the same approach that I take when laying out a project in a chassis. In the end it wasn't really all that big of a deal and I actually enjoyed the experience a great deal.
  22. Nah, just the balanced version should ensure that you never get it.
  23. I believe that KG was talking about Pete's ampp.
  24. You haven't even heard about pricing yet, you sure you still want to sign up? It might make Pete's 307A amp look affordable...
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