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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Oh, I looked quickly on HF and didn't see it so I assumed it was a caser.
  2. Yeah, what you said. Where video?!??!
  3. Am I the only one watching this thread trying to find out who bought hirch's Wheatfield?
  4. Yes, it should have the name on the front, top and rear panels. Also, it should say something to the effect of "Dual Monos Electrostatic Amplifier for IEMs".
  5. Enormous GOLD knobs?? Pretty please? Maybe a note on the front panel that says "The Blue Hawaii" (quotation marks included)?!??!
  6. Whoops, that's supposed to be the same 10uF/400V cap used for C4. Clearly not 50V. Thanks for the catch, Justin.
  7. Yeah, I read a story about this a while ago. There are some great people involved so I have pretty high hopes, can't wait to watch the trailer later.
  8. Good plan. For someone coordinated like yourself it'll probably feel like the class is moving kind of slow but the experience that you'll get might just save your life. I had my brother (who's a MSF instructor) run me through the course a couple of years ago, I was amazed at how much I needed to learn, this after riding for 10+ years. Let's hope you never need them.
  9. Nice! I could never get past the Alien motif but I think they're supposed to be nice saws. I went with a Bosch myself.
  10. :rofl:
  11. Schematic Time (click for larger versions if you have trouble reading these) Amp PS I'll try to put together some thoughts on the build for inclusion with this but as you can see it's actually a pretty simple circuit with a low parts count. The only small correction that needs to be done is that the transformer is actually the BFT-1B, they don't make the 1A anymore but they are essentially the same so I'm not going to worry about it for now. And it should go without saying but I'll say it anyway, there are lots of options that individuals can choose. First and foremost the power supply could be something entirely different and might be made simple enough so that the entire thing could fit in one chassis. Along those lines there's nothing forcing anyone to use the giant motor-run caps that I did, the output caps can be whatever your heart/wallet desires. But what's shown is exactly what I built and the results are more than enough to convince me that I made some good choices and that Pete gave some great advice.
  12. I believe they are laser etched panels, i.e. the lettering won't/can't come off.
  13. www.msf-usa.org - take at least the first class, and more if you can. Don't develop bad habits, trust me, they're really hard to break. And I'd better be reading about you buying a helmet very soon. Jackets and gloves are nice and necessary, but protect your noggin' first. And here, in case you're really lazy - http://www.ct.gov/dot/cwp/view.asp?a=1388&q=259454
  14. I might actually recommend not getting the rewire done right away. If I'd just bought RS-1s I'd want to sample them stock first. But Alex is definitely the man for the job.
  15. Congrats! I wish the two of you a long and happy life together.
  16. The tubelabse looks like a really cool, flexible project. Heck, if I thought I'd have time I'd build one.
  17. If you don't get why spoilers suck I'm not sure I can explain it. You don't ever get anxious watching a movie or TV show waiting for the plot to unfold? You don't experience any suspense? Or is it that to you these elements are not part of the enjoyment of whatever it is you're watching/reading/etc? I guess you must be one of those folks that reads the last page of a book first...
  18. needs more burn in
  19. [2] 7N7s for testing the adapters I hope to make this weekend.
  20. I think this
  21. Highly unlikely. Knowing how some of you feel about this I approached the idea with Pete during the meet. He said it was unlikely for a multitude of reasons but the first two that came to mind were that a) he's not a big fan of stats and that it would take a lot of time and engineering to do it right. Considering that when he does DIY projects he flat out refuses any sort of compensation I can understand why he wouldn't take on something that isn't particularly interesting to him and that would probably cost a fair amount of money and time.
  22. I'm pretty sure that Pete is building these by hand, not Todd. I'll try to confirm that.
  23. Given how some of the stax amps derive the bias supply directly from the AC input it's pretty easy for me to see how line voltage could greatly impact the performance. Not sure if that's the case with the 727, but even for a non-techie it seems plausible.
  24. Careful, further failure to use the multi-quote feature will result in more focused heckling.
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