I'll be curious to hear what you think of them once you get the adapter. I found the listening experience from the stock amp pretty lackluster. Running of Justin's BHSE was a different story entirely. I think grawk had much the same experience and may have even tried them off of a third amp.
You're driving them off the stock amp, right? Having heard them properly driven at CanJam I can say that they do in fact respond favorably to better amplification. One of these nights I'll get my Koss to Stax adapter built and be able to see how well the SRD7 does driving them.
The Touch has no issues with it and the Phone doesn't seem to either. Postjack and I were both posting live from CanJam. He was on Edge, I was using the hotel's wifi.
The problem with DIY Duet cables is that Apogee seems to be using a non-standard receptacle that isn't playing nicely w/ the VGA connectors that I've been able to source. Their receptacle is so shallow that normal male plugs can't seat fully and the retention screws can't reach the embedded fasteners. So it's a somewhat tenuous connection, seems ok for really static setups but if anything gets moved around the connection gets lost far too easily for me to be happy. If I can get through the rest of my fire sale on Head-Fi I might pick one up to do some research with. So far Apogee support has been ignoring me and I don't have much recourse with them since I don't actually own one of their products.
It's perfectly possible, although still not really cheap since your best option is a sigma22 and I'd expect to pay ~$200+ to have a suitable one built. There are other options but I'm not sure I'd bother w/ something like twin TREADS or something like that.
I'm w/ Reks, fancy power cords seem to me to be a waste of time. If I couldn't build my own I'd still be using the same Volex already mentioned.
And I'd always go w/ a better source before upgrading anything else.
Because the number of idiots who don't re-read the first post is staggering. I almost always do both, reply and edit, otherwise the flood of PM's continues.
Man, just cut the friggen boot and finish it all off with some shrink if you have to. Or is the hard, inner diameter that the cable assembly won't pass through? If so, that's a pretty thick cable.
Just got take-out lunch from one of my local fav's - Thai Paradise, located in friendly downtown Portsmouth. Family owned and operated and just 3 doors down from my office. Good thing the boss likes it a lot too and buys lunch there from time to time.
I thought that I remembered someone talking about doing this with TREADs or STEPS before and that for those applications it wouldn't work. Is it possible that this ability is application specific?
After 4 or so transport failures I can safely say that I have yet to experience a "cool" failure.
Most of the time you end up searching your wallet for the hundreds of dollars suddenly missing.
Schematic corrected and updated. May require clearing of cookies to see the new version since I did a direct replacement at the host so that the links would stay the same.
Bones - Season 4, Episode 15
Man, the writer's strike really screwed with a lot of shows. In this particular case a plot was forced to be rushed to the point of not really making a whole lot of sense. I wonder how many shows have been damaged beyond repair as a result of trying to make a shortened season work?
Buffy had it's ups and downs for sure, but on the whole it was great.
Angel, I've never watched the whole thing and I'm working my way through Season 2 now. So far so... well, uneven. There are great episodes and then pretty meh episodes but I'm still enjoying it.