If anyone is seriously interested in a Chip Amp project I've got a working prototype plus a shit load more parts including two more amp modules (fully populated) that can be had for cheap (less than the cost of parts). PM for details/pics - all that would be required to get the prototype working is a chassis and I probably have something that I could offer for that as well... [/shill]
They needed to replace their car anyway and had been thinking about a Prius for a long time (before the current gas price issue). And I've been in both Carolla's and Prius's and I greatly prefer the Prius. Also, given Toyota's recent trend of vastly over-estimating fuel economy I'd take whatever advantage I could. Example: my wife's 07 Camry (4cyl) gets 27mpg on the highway even though it was rated at 34. It's never gotten even close to 30 and is a major disappointment in that regard.
Yeah, my parents ordered a Prius yesterday and I'm having serious thoughts about replacing my truck. I'll probably try to commute as much as I can on the bike this summer but that's a temporary solution to what is rapidly appearing to be a permanent problem.
Yup, I'd say we've seen around a $.30/gal increase in the last week around here as well. We haven't broken $4/gal but I doubt that'll hold through the week. Pretty friggen amazing really.
Got up, made pancakes, worked for a little while from home, ate lunch, worked more, did some chores around the yard, repaired and amp, cooked dinner, built a octal/loctal adapter, watched a bit of BSG, now it's sleepy time.
Given your size constraints I'd say that your odds of finding something cheap and commercially available are pretty slim. I think you're going to have to get creative and find something that's the right size but not designed for the job. Example: a couple of bricks would be about the right size, though potentially unstable.
It's still on the books for Headroom to release an new version although I'm not sure where that project is right now. I haven't talked w/ Tyll or Pete about it in a while.
And lucky you were to grab that, they are few and far between these days. I don't think I've seen one for sale since I sold mine last year.
I honestly think that this perception is purely a result of the Headroom knob's diameter. If you've ever use a Single Power amp w/ a stepper you'd understand as the feel is pretty similar. You just don't generate much mechanical advantage with the stock knobs in both cases. That's why I like to use big honkin' knobs on all my projects, it greatly helps with attenuator feel, whether it's a pot or SA.
Without signal degradation is going to be the kicker. Honestly, the only good cure is to find a source with either a good built in preamp or live with the possibility that an inline attenuator is going to potentially degrade the signal slightly.
I'm tempted to say nay. Tis a shite load of $$$ and the more time that passes the more variable I want my control, not less. Granted, with the gain switch you'll be all set with the HR amp but I'd be shocked if you got back the type of performance gain that the price might have you expecting.
I can assure you I do not.
Yeah, I've got it pretty bad. But I started thinning the heard earlier this week and sold off a few pairs. I'll unload a bunch of 6SN7s if the 7N7 experiment goes well.