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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I can only take so much jackassery and like Dan said, the whining ratio is getting a bit high. If the latest poster in that thread had tried to offer anything other than worthless content I wouldn't have locked it. The powers that be are certainly free to unlock the thread if they see some value there.
  2. You really think you'll find one for sale without the headphones? Given current market demand I'd say it's damn near impossible to say what either component would go for. I've heard rumors of offers similar to what is being discussed here that have been rejected. And hell, wasn't their a WTB offer on Audiogon for $12k that went unanswered for months?
  3. I think we're done here...
  4. I'm not sure there's a difference really, I've seen the same pin configuration referred to using both designations. And when I say that it won't seat fully what I mean is that the pins are fully captured by the socket (or at least seem to be) but the socket doesn't allow enough penetration so that the captive nuts in the chassis can be fastened to and fully secure the connector. Because of the shallow penetration (heads out of gutters please) and lack of permanent connection the cable has a tendency to become easily dislodged. I should have a Duet in my hands by early next week and will hopefully have a little time to look into the situation further.
  5. I think you meant .
  6. And avoiding the use of lol.
  7. I would contact whatever dealer you bought it from. They should be able to send it in for repair for you and circumvent the tax issue.
  8. Dom, a jewel case is roughly 5 x 5-5/8" and from the picture you posted you're not really up against any hard obstacles if you go bigger. Am I missing something?
  9. It's still a risky proposition to assume that you could get two perfectly parallel and square faces. 4x4x8 is a pretty small footprint and isn't going to be all that stable regardless simply do to the raw geometry of it. I'd push it to a 6x6 footprint (hardly larger than the CD stacks he's using) and see what's out there. Shoot, I'd start looking for things like wooden candle stands or anything else that's meant to sit on a tabletop and support light weight. I'm sure there's stuff out there, it's just going to take some non-traditional thinking to find it.
  10. At 6'-3" you'll have a problem with just about any sport bike. Which gets back to my original point, no one needs even an R6/GSXR600/ZX6 etc on the street. If you want to do track days or race then fine, buy one. Otherwise you're just wasting your money on power and ability you'll never use or need. Buy something less racy and use the money you save to do something like the Code School or similar. The skills you learn will make you far faster (and safer for that matter) than a different bike. I'd say I use about 40% of the capability of my bike generally speaking and have no real desire to explore the remaining 60%. The margins are thin enough without pushing it. Heck, I rode it in this morning and on the on ramp to the highway I decided I'd let it breath a bit. On the shift from second to third I was pushing 75 with another 3 grand towards redline. On a sport bike I'd have been pushing triple digits which is just plain stupid.
  11. I hope not. There is no earthly reason to buy a bike like that unless your goal is to kill yourself. If you want something faster that handles better get a Triumph Daytona 675. It's got more power than any human needs on the street.
  12. Of course the problems being that 1)you can't buy that BMW or anything like it in the states (as far as I know) and 2) diesel currently costs nearly a $1/gal more than gas, meaning that your diesel better be getting a lot better fuel economy compared to the hybrid if you want to keep fuel costs low.
  13. Can't say I've had that pleasure, as a direct result of the absurd prices that they command and especially now that I'd need two of them. I do have some uber rare Bendix tubes to roll in at some point, but I'm waiting till I'm done experimenting with input tubes first.
  14. Uh, no, no and no. Boston retirees go to Florida, not NH.
  15. Actually it is.
  16. Finishing up Season 2 of BSG during lunch.
  17. Heh, as if Conn has anything to offer other than proximity to NYC and Boston. Conn Moto: Come live here, you'll love it so much you'll work in another state just to get out of here during the day!
  18. FIFY
  19. If I ever finish the Koss to Stax adapter I should be able to answer that - I've got a working 2-channel beta again.
  20. http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlconv&1217085475 Not trying to pimp stello since I've never heard any of it, but reviews seemed generally positive. Oh, and I thought folks were fairly fond of Monarchy stuff too, but I could be getting confused now... http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlconv&1216844266
  21. There was a Stello DA-100 listed on Head-Fi, that might make a decent, inexpensive source. Otherwise I'd be trying to get someone to build a Buffalo DAC for me (Twisted Pear's newest).
  22. Single-ended or balanced?
  23. $4500 says you can.
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