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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. By midnight last night I was feeling a bit better but still decided to take today off to try and make sure that I don't get really sick. Felt pretty awesome to log ~8hrs of sleep last night, that's for sure. Also, I discovered today that Autocad 2007 is not Vista compatible, so trying to do work from home is proving rather fruitless.
  2. I asked Pete about this and from what I recall it can, but isn't ideally setup to drive speakers.
  3. Sweet Jack!!! Minute by minute impressions or BAN!
  4. I hope it only takes that long. I can say that's she really developing her voice after just 220hrs, a little harsh in the highs at times but occassionally has a really great quiet background. I'd expect nothing less from you, nothing less.
  5. I'm the only one in my family that graduated essentially debt free from school. Of course, I was the only non-Ivy child out of the three as well. Both my older brother and younger sister have no gone on to get multiple advanced degrees from other Ivy league institutions as well, although thankfully some of that has been picked up by employers. I was and am perfectly happy with my state school education, my four year total was less than 4yrs for my sister.
  6. Yeah, I'm sure it'll work itself out. As an extra special bonus though I woke up this morning feeling sick and I've progressed in to pretty much feeling like shit now, ugh.
  7. Damn near impossible with a simple, compact, discrete switch. If I were Headroom I'd be taking a cue from what DIY folks like Twisted Pear and others have done and be looking into relay-based solutions that can provide far greater numbers of steps and still be relatively compact or at least flexible.
  8. By the time she's in school I'll be lucky if that covers a semester's worth of books.
  9. Roger that, Todd. At the National Meet Justin's O2 + BHSE didn't seem to have much in the way of a weak point. I threw quite the varied catalog at it and it never failed. Now, if I could just find ~$8k laying around that I don't need...
  10. Yeah, I've found hot glue to be pretty intolerant of shock loading especially when bonded to a smooth surface (like a pcb or chassis). With porous or irregular shapes it seems to work much better.
  11. No gifts required, unless someone has a way to teach her that it's ok to sleep when she's not being held. That's her new trick - for the last three nights she won't sleep more than 10min at a stretch unless she's being held. That makes papa Nate a sad panda.
  12. I don't know how justin fastens the batter to one (or both) of the pcb's but it's not a tie wrap from what I can tell from the images posted. The best advice is to contact justin and get the return instructions directly from him, not some asshat here.
  13. Oh man, I love those Harbeths - time for some desktop speaker stands.
  14. You should see me now, I think she slept less than 4hrs last night. I was up with her from 12 to 3 and so far this morning she's decided that she doesn't want to sleep at all. Heh, that is a state that changes daily. It's pretty amazing how hard this is on both mom and dad - there's no guidebook, no instructions, no one else's experience really matters since every baby and their habits, needs, etc, are different and since the baby's only means of communication is to cry you're pretty much always operating in uncharted waters. And like I said yesterday, I'm sure at some point this process will become more joyful and less stressful but right now, holy shit what I wouldn't give for for a stretch of uninterrupted sleep.
  15. I must say that if it weren't for current circumstances (new daughter) that I'd be very much up for a new PTP design. I had a lot more fun with the Menace than I thought I would. Granted, I'm still chasing a small ground loop but it was a huge learning experience doing my own layout, figuring how I wanted to route everything and having complete control of the overall aesthetic. I still feel that there is a lot of value in PCBs but there does come a point when PTP is the better way (for DIY anyway).
  16. Funny duggeh, the first thing that I thought of when I say that pic was, "ooh, look a painted chip, is that a RSA something?"
  17. Thanks everyone for the kind congrats. I'm sure that the sleepless nights, regardless of how long they go on will morph into nothing more than a funny story that we tell her some day much later in life. And Mike, yes, I got the call and thanks. I hope you had a good vacation and I trust that it was much different that the week off that I just took. I'm going to fail tonight on the more pictures front, mostly because we had family over for dinner and things got way to busy. I've just put the little one down for what I hope will be a good long nap while mom gets some sleep but if last night and today are any indicator (which historically speaking, they may or may not be) she'll only be down for 10 minutes or so before she wants to be held again.
  18. it goes pretty well. We have our good nights and bad nights, last night being a pretty bad one as far as sleep goes for mom and dad. And sorry about the lack of pictures, on thursday Windows Update decided to nuke my laptop requiring a complete reinstall. Yay, I had plenty of time to do that. Anyway, as a result I haven't uploaded much but here's a pic of lily and dad, when she was just over an hour old. I'll upload some more later and add them here or somewhere else.
  19. Yes, it seems those at the helm are enjoying recreating the custom titles of old and adding some new ones too.
  20. Sweet! I can't wait to read impressions and see some pictures, color me insanely jealous.
  21. I'm sure, given a bit of time, that we can make this place look less like Head-Fi. Right now we're on the stock theme, maybe there are alternates that can easily be setup?
  22. Short term, perhaps not. Long term it'd be a lot better if people saved a bit more. I'll get there, I'll get there - I promise. There are plenty of pics, just none uploaded that I can share in a convenient manner. Right now I'm trying to get a bit of work done so I'll give the pics a shot later.
  23. n_maher

    slow forum

    And almost every BMW owner that I've talked to hates it. Granted, they love the rest of the car but the Idrive is awful. When an non-owner can't step into a vehicle and do something as simple as turn on the radio that's just Ifail.
  24. Dealing with the BS pretty well. If I didn't have a functioning unit up there right now I'd be livid. The whole chassis of the new one is bent and the bottom corner broken.
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