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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I concur.
  2. Don't know how to tell which one it is, suggestions? And if I stick w/ Panther, no duet.
  3. n_maher


    Welcome to the nuthouse, cj, you'll fit in just fine.
  4. Ok macophiles, I've got an OS X question for you. The laptop that I'm currently using is a Powerbook G4 w/ 1GHz processor and a piddly 256Mb of RAM. It's using OS X 10.3x9 which I believe is "Panther" or some such nonsense. Basically what I'm trying to do is upspec the laptop to the point where it can use the Duet. I've got a 1Gb RAM stick, but it was unstable when I first installed it. So my thought is to try upgrading the OS to Tiger (10.4.11, I think) and I'm wondering what I have to do to do this? Can I just download the upgrade from Apple? Can I purchase a used copy? Other thoughts or suggestions appreciated. I'm trying to limit my investment here since it's really just going to be used to test some Duet cables.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. That, my friend, was pure win.
  8. Barely, just barely.
  9. Ahhh, I see, I thought that maybe you'd gone off the deep end on us and succumbed to the temptation. Glad to hear that the amp will be making it to another meet though, just wish I was going to make it as well.
  10. I'm going to ban Voltron if he doesn't address this 307A business soon...
  11. Nice, Mike. Goes without saying that I like the aesthetic. Me - custom shielded transformer for a little project likely to end up in this thread some time soon.
  12. Burn Notice
  13. It's a bit uneven but overall highly enjoyable. Can't wait till July 10th for new episodes.
  14. I'm hoping what Dusty meant is that there are two Blu-Ray versions, not two versions of the movie. Two versions of the movie would be big news to me. edit
  15. Repeat after me: I will never buy anything from troymadison... You don't really want me to answer that, do you? Please God, let it be his last.
  16. How you figure? Looks like 100% pure Hammond to me, just with some engraved panels where someone didn't even bother to have the engraving infilled. :palm: Let's hope that picture is just a prototype, it is an absolute fail compared to their normal fit and finish.
  17. $900 in a $20 fricken Hammond aluminum chassis...
  18. The question makes no sense. What are you using a 4-pin XLR for w/ a speaker amp, I've never seen that before.
  19. Nah, that's just our postjack.
  20. Linksys WRT160N
  21. So Dusty's post about Whedon's upcoming online musical reminded me that I'd yet to track down the trailer for Dollhouse. I'm pretty psyched for the show so I figured I'd start a thread and post the trailer for comment. Dollhouse Trailer [edit]I guess embedded videos don't show up in the post preview.
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