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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. :faints: I wonder, quite honestly, if he meant $575...
  2. I based the PC2700 assumption based on the 1Ghz processor speed. I'll confirm it tonight from the system specs, it should say DDR or DDR2. But based on everything I've read they never made a 1Ghz notebook that used DDR2.
  3. The salted peanut sent me an old stick that he had used in one of his computers. It uses PC2700 type RAM and there was some past discussion of the topic here - http://www.head-case.org/forums/general-sale/3496-wtb-mac-ram-powerbook-g4.html - and Stephen's link to RamJet seems like the best lead. Just sucks that older, slower memory is about 2x as expensive. And truth be told I'm not 100% sure which G4 I have (Titanium vs. Aluminum).
  4. Well crap, the laptop has gone unstable again. Firefox keeps crashing with the same error, before I put the RAM in it never crashed. So, any suggestions for where to buy "good" RAM?
  5. Most are currently LAME MP3's with varying settings depending on when I (or Ian) ripped them.
  6. n_maher


    Wonderful images Indra, I love the picture of the Veyron. The last time I was in Berlin it was shortly after the wall fell and it sounds like that part of the city still hasn't made it all the way back. I know when I was there the contrast between East and West outside the city was even more amazing.
  7. I want to go lossless, format TBD, which is part of what's holding me back. Uh, the original CD? Not sure what you mean here... Basically, what I need to do is come up with a semi-automated routine so that I can pop a disc in and have it rip and code without much input from me. I'm not entirely sure that's possible though, but it's necessary given the 500 or so albums that I'd like to do.
  8. Agreed, but Fitz's response was sort of open ended regarding stand use so I thought I'd throw in a response that actually addressed something related to the thread.
  9. Tyll would argue that there's a pretty large point to be made for using desktop stands for near field listening. I'm inclined to agree with him, given my limited experimentation with raising near field monitors above the desk surface.
  10. I know, just being an ass. You've done the hard work of ripping it all so there's no motivation to do much of anything. And I can't say that I blame you for not wanting to transcode it all either. I've been putting off re-ripping my collection for ages now, but I'll have to do it eventually.
  11. even if you couldn't hear a difference?
  12. I'd say it's pretty likely that it'll be available for a while.
  13. I think Billy was talking about LFF's magic mp3 codec (the original codec, maybe we should call it the hybrid?) which has produced some pretty amazing results at extremely small file sizes. Of course, I don't think anyone has been able to find the codec so it's not really an option.
  14. Ok, then I wonder how uniform their impedance is over the full frequency range. Some headphones, like Grados, are very uniform in their response while others vary greatly - the HD650s vary some 200 ohms. Not saying it's the reason for what's going on here, but it might be worth looking into.
  15. I wonder if there's a weird impedance thing going on with the qualia's that doesn't play nicely with the trafo-coupled amp? I can't find specs for the Sony's anywhere and Headroom doesn't have measurements for them either.
  16. At CanJam I can't say I heard anything I'd call congested out of that rig.
  17. Damn, that'd be pretty sweet. Be interesting to see how they pull it off and if it'll only work with Itunes on Mac's.
  18. Yes, but if there are productive steps that can be taken in addition to finding ways to reduce consumption it'll help ease transition.
  19. MF - I can't believe that you started watching it and didn't tell me. :shitlist:
  20. Just because it'll take 10 years to see a benefit is no reason not to drill. You think that we won't need the oil in 10 to 20 years? The real question (for me) is whether or not there is a sufficient quantity of oil to justify the expense and risk. If it is cost prohibitive to extract it then that'd be a good reason not to do it, time is not a good reason.
  21. Sure, no secrets here. I cut the retention tabs on the front of the connector flush with the face of the plug. There's enough of the connector left to hold the flange of the plug so that it doesn't feel loose but it allows the plug to fully seat in the duet and the screws are finally able to grab the embedded fasteners. This picture shows it as well as it can be shown. click for larger version
  22. Vincent, If you get stuck for more than a couple days let me know, odds are I have a pair of balanced IC's somewhere that I'm not using that I can send you.
  23. Has the new series started? I looked on Friday and saw that they were taping but couldn't find a date when the new episodes were supposed to start airing.
  24. Well I reinstalled the RAM and ran some memory tests, all of which passed and the machine has been stable so far (knocks on wood). If all goes well this week I'll have a go at installing Tiger at the end of the week. In other news I finally sorted the issues that I was having with the available VGA connectors. Indra's cable will be the first to be tested by someone else so hopefully she can post impressions when it arrives.
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