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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Blow me, Dusty.
  2. No words Mike, no words. Let me know if you want/need me to take a look at them.
  3. Ouch, that's not f'ing cool at all. Are they ok??
  4. I think markl has already made comments about how this design is probably as "inferior" as the D5000.
  5. It would if the test voltage was significantly lower than the operating voltage.
  6. Well, this document would at least seem to suggest that some of the rumors that I have been hearing over the past 6 months are true. From what I've heard the rumored street price in the US is ~$1000. There's also a thread on Head-Fi about this, but I don't think there's much in the way of additional information there, just a couple of new pictures.
  7. So carrying a cable plus a small screw-on adapter is preferable? You're a finicky bish today, aren't ya?
  8. Or could you could make a dual-tailed adapter w/ both 1/4 and 1/8 plug options.
  9. I think the best solution is to just have two 4-pin adapters (one to 1/8, one to quarter) rather than use an adapter on an adapter. I mean really, how often would you use something like this anyway?
  10. You might if you were hoping it wouldn't burn your house down. oh snap!
  11. I can't say that I've ever seen one for DIY use. What's the application? Perhaps there is a better solution?
  12. My now cobweb-filled brain remebers owning the HD600s and the K501s at the same time running out of a pretty decent M
  13. Probably, I'm easily confused these days.
  14. Not sure if anyone is looking but this seems like a decent deal. STAX SR-007 Omega-II Electrostatic Headphones - Used - - eBay (item 220254406289 end time Jul-17-08 02:15:04 PDT)
  15. Depending on how it breaks down it might actually be better to have the boards sent to someone in the US who could then send you your set and forward along the others saving an unnecessary trans-Atlantic trip. Just a thought.
  16. Bah! As if I coined the functional look. Nice work Vincent.
  17. Nah, you're in the highly-coveted OG category.
  18. What I wouldn't give to be dreamy right now.
  19. Blame it on the language barrier Dusty
  20. Oh, a wise guy eh? I sent you a Duet cable once, and you promptly broke it! It's been repaired and upgraded and should be departing shortly. Indra, glad to hear that you're happy with the cable.
  21. Not really, no. I'd have to sell a lot more duet cables (or better put, charge for them) to justify it.
  22. I vote for tacos.
  23. I wonder about the wisdom of making assumptions that lead to more assumptions.
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