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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Rumor has it that you got a killer deal too, congrats.
  2. Come on UPS, get here damnit. I have to leave in an hour and a half which is right about the time they usually deliver.
  3. Translation The Edge service at CanJam was very slow. I was quite surprised. I discussed this fact with my friends in Chicago and they shared my amazement that such a populated area would have such poor service. I would think that Florida would be getting widespread 3G coverage soon if they don't have it already.
  4. Yeah, I really don't need a $1000 a year mobile phone.
  5. Heh, aren't they requiring in-store activation for these phones. That is an epic fail. Edit: just tried to buy the update...
  6. I want one of these for meets...
  7. so is the latest software available for the touch today?
  8. Have you been there since 6?
  9. closer
  10. incorrect
  11. For those with money and balls... FS: Headamp Aristaeus - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  12. nate prays for a new custom title for deepak...
  13. Ok, I'll try to whip up a cable this weekend with inputs and outputs and contact them Monday.
  14. Find me a contact and I'll do it.
  15. Yeah, I caught wind of that box a few days ago. It strikes me as utterly worthless. Think I should send Engadget a proper breakout cable?
  16. So is the date set now?
  17. I hear they're going to release an app that makes you feel better about the fact that in a year the phone will be free and be available on any carrier. It's called bendoverandtakeit .
  18. Nice, definitely Hug & Dance approved.
  19. FIFY
  20. Yeah, I know, I just feel like I'm getting nickel and dimed by apple to "unlock" the potential of what was already a very expensive device. It's like they're passing along the cost while giving Phone users a free ride even though the cost of the phone is less than the Touch.
  21. Yay, another OS upgrade that I get to pay for for the Touch... weak.
  22. He'll find trolling harder with me deleting his posts.
  23. nate throws the shirt he'd set aside for dan into the fire... I ran the site build team for their large, end of the year festivals. That generally entailed running a group of 20 or so guys doing misc. construction projects on the site. Then during the show, I'd run campground security which was entirely too much responsibility, all of which I was blissfully ignorant of.
  24. It's for cleaning your ears.
  25. Not going to ebay any of it for a while, but it was good to find it all. I must have 40 to 50 T-shirts from the production days, none of which you could ever buy.
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