Well, the L/pros certainly have their strengths. I can see anyone who's a midrange freak simply loving them, and their detail retrieval and presentation is also excellent. Granted, these are initial impressions which are based on limited listening. I hope to both try them with the SRD7 soon as well as move part of the setup into my upstairs rig or bring a proper source downstairs to play around with.
It's pretty shiny yes. It's also gdang expensive - Neotech NES-3004. I think VHAudio wants something like $50/M for it, good thing I don't use them although I can't get it much cheaper.
Jay is of course correct, she's an angel. I say that, now, as she's been asleep pretty well for the last hour and a half allowing me to have a little fun.
I haven't had a chance to try the SRD yet, but it's now perched atop the beta22 ready to be wired up. Maybe tomorrow...
Just fired up the Lambda Pros and SRM1 MKII, they sound pretty good out of the box and everything is in great condition. I hope to be able to let them charge for a few hours and then I'll revisit them and report back. That is assuming the little devil, I mean Lily, gives me a window of time to do all that.
The Edge service at CanJam was very slow. I was quite surprised.
I discussed this fact with my friends in Chicago and they shared my amazement that such a populated area would have such poor service.
I would think that Florida would be getting widespread 3G coverage soon if they don't have it already.