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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Richard is a pretty easy guy to talk to and from what I understand the one who actually builds the trafos. All it would take to find out if it's feasible is to shoot him an email. He replied to mine very quickly (hours, not days) and the trafo was built in under a week - exactly as promised.
  2. While it's not jude's problem and I certainly don't think he's bound to do anything the fact remains that he's a powerful member of the community who might be able to exert more influence on Mikhail than the combined members of this whole forum. If he chooses to step into this that's his business and very decent of him. One other thing: I question the wisdom of allowing this whole Singlepower Summer Meet to go ahead. I mean meet threads on Head-Fi have been removed because jacob was involved and he's 1/10 the pariah that Mikhail should be right now.
  3. Can you even buy a Zana right now? I thought that the second run was sold out? If it's still available I'm hard pressed to go against the advice being given, Craig is one of the good guys.
  4. That's exactly the kind of thing that sumr can offer, for a lot less money that plitron or Avel for that matter. In truth I've only spoken with Avel about custom one-off trafos before, maybe with a group of some size their shielded options would be more affordable? In terms of stock prices you're right, Avel is probably the best option.
  5. If someone desired more tweakability in the 307A I'm pretty sure that an adapter could probably be made to go from loctal to octal which would open up the whole world of 6SN7s that are out there.
  6. Moved. You need to let me know what you'd like the thread title to be. Also, you might have a look at sumr transformers. My custom unit for a beta22 will be in this week and I can that up to this point the service has been great.
  7. n_maher

    First Post

    You'll find that has less meaning here (as a title) than other places...
  8. Not today, but Saturday I finally got the bike inspected which should mean that I start commuting on it tomorrow.
  9. I agreed that it brought the funny so I used it, knowing full well what it's real meaning is.
  10. I prefer...
  11. The only thing I can see it helping with is transfer of the cold to the beverage since with everything as a liquid you get much higher conductivity. Myth Busters actually did a piece on something like this. Their question was what was the fastest way to cool something down, saltwater + ice was the answer.
  12. all credit goes to justin for the new avatar
  13. We'll attempt to keep it pretty clean.
  14. Bottle works fine for me.
  15. Doesn't that just lower the freezing temperature therefore turning more of the ice to liquid? If the rate of thermal loss (insulation) doesn't change I don't think adding salt will have much effect.
  16. I do all of Lily's nighttime feedings so I might as well have boobs.
  17. This thread has been moved. If any of the previous posters has issues with what they posted being out there in the public domain please pm a mod or admin with a short explanation.
  18. Agreed, which is why as a Touch owner I'm left out.
  19. The problem with apps that require connectivity (like weather stuff) is that I don't have a reliable wireless connection at work.
  20. I think even the resident fan boy has had issues with delivery on a couple of amps now, or at least he's said as much a couple of times here.
  21. n_maher

    First Post

    Ahh, with the new title structure it's hard/impossible to tell.
  22. n_maher

    First Post

    Stick around a while, we'll give you a key to the castle and open up a whole different world of pain and understanding.
  23. My usage is pretty basic and the lack of apps up to this point hasn't bugged me at all so it really sounds like this release isn't for me.
  24. Nothing phono related laying around unfortunately.
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