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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Yes, they're the same - at least based on my understanding they are. 425V RMS roughly translates to 1200V peak to peak. In your example you know the RMS voltage = 425. To convert that to the peak (not peak to peak) you divide by .707. 425/.707 = 601V Peak to peak voltage is double the peak voltage. 2 x 601 = 1200V Hope that helps.
  2. Billy, I think this is related to the chip that Wadia had to license from Apple to do the whole iTransport thing.
  3. My only advice, not knowing anything about the situation, would be to caution you against using lags in a load bearing environment unless you know exactly what you're doing and have gotten some professional advice.
  4. I'd rather not have to rely on me as the survival mechanism between thousands of dollars of gear and thousands of volts of electricity. And I hope luvdunhill wasn't serious.
  5. Happy Birthday.
  6. At some point, Barry, you're going to need to bring us up to speed with where the heck you're at with all of this. I can't keep track of all the threads anymore.
  7. What are you building?
  8. Yeah, but that doesn't really mean anything with regards to how they assigned the pinout and what sort of hardware protection they put in place.
  9. No, it means I don't see much in the way of bullshit there. And if you can point out bullshit there, other than the two-kids-in-the-schoolyard bullshit that's already gone on I'm open to hearing about it. Just leave your axe at the door. I don't care who likes who or who thinks what about the other, my concern lies with the uh, lies that Mikhail has been telling his customers and the overall negative impact that it's having on the community as a whole.
  10. Not that I've heard about.
  11. Careful, or that custom title will come to life again...
  12. I question the sanity of anyone that recommends a power conditioner over a source. There's no logic, not to mention even fuzzy science to support it. The only reason that I use non-standard power cords is because I build them to length to fit my gear. That's it. And the only reason that I use a power conditioner is for the surge/droop protection. $30 in parts
  13. Right, but what I was saying was that out of that 4gig of address space you rarely end up with more than 3gigs of available system memory (RAM). Clearly my explanation was lacking, but the essence is true - installing 4gigs of RAM will not give you 4gigs of usable RAM. Based on the way the OP phrased the question I figured implementing the KISS principle was probably best. All that said, you're 100% right in your explanation from what I can tell.
  14. 32 bit operating systems by definition (limited number of addresses) can't see more than 3gb of RAM. That's not to say having 4 will hurt, only that the last one won't help and that you'll also lose addresses to stuff like video memory (even if it's on the card). Google and you'll find plenty of much more clearly thought out answers.
  15. I think it's pretty clear from my reply what I think of the whole situation and that no further thought on the matter is required. Enlighten me, please, unless you're referring to Kevin's posts in which case don't bother. But if you feels there's misinformation or something that could be clarified or corrected otherwise I'm all ears.
  16. It's your damn fault for being an attractive young female.
  17. Could we all calm down a bit here? Hirsch's advice (distilled): if you don't know what you're doing when it comes to high-voltage tube amps your safest option is to leave it alone and seek help. I see no bullshit there. Kevin's advice (distilled): Singlepower incorporates several standard safety measures to limit the possibility of frying yourself while working on one of their amps. So if you know what you're doing you can proceed with appropriate caution. I think Kevin actually threw Mikhail a bone there so why are we telling each other to fuck off again? Clearly there are things inside some of those amps that are less than completely safe.
  18. Well, that would actually suggest that their pricing is still the same.
  19. n_maher

    slow forum

    Says the guy with grammatical errors and no punctuation in his post...
  20. Sounds about right. My last pricing info from them is a year old now and probably not current.
  21. Once you move out of the Hammond-type chassis you'll probably find that prices escalate quickly. Example: Lansing Graybox 8.37" (1/2 rack) x 6" x 3.47" (2RU) - part number B2H06-001A - will run you $68 each. You also might see if you can get a quote from someone like Context Engineering for one of their modular cases. I haven't done that for a long time so I can't even remember if it was reasonable or not. Cases are the curse of every diy'er.
  22. Elephas, You might seriously consider working with someone state side who could verify that the amps are working for you before having them shipped all the way to you.
  23. I'm very happy with the Buffalo Link Station that I bought recently. I greatly prefer the flexibility of a NAS device compared to a simple external drive.
  24. My thought is for folks buying old 1st gen phones from people who upgraded. If they get stuck with a more expensive monthly plan they're really getting hosed.
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