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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I guess that give folks an idea about how much markup there is when it comes to cables!
  2. Wait, found it. http://www.head-case.org/forums/headphone-amplification/3706-global-economics-101-little-dot-mk-vi.html
  3. No worries, I can't find it either but I know there was some information posted at some point. I have several questions/concerns about the design of that thing and the chassis that they have it shoe horned into. At first blush it's pretty similar to the Menace but with double the output tubes which means that they've got a lot of heat to deal with in a really small space. As it is just the heaters for the output tubes are dissipating 60W. And if they were trying to get the specs similar to Pete's HA-2 there's a ton of heat generated by the cathode resistors and I don't see anything near big enough to deal with that. Hell, on the Menace I had to use 50W power resistors and external heatsinks to keep things in line.
  4. I swear there was already a thread about this...
  5. Ouch!
  6. n_maher


    $1200 for RS-1s...
  7. Happy Birthday Tyll!
  8. I hate to say this but if you don't like the 225s and don't like the RS-2s it could simply be that Grados (in your price range anyway) just aren't for you.
  9. One of our neighbors has bushes and he dropped off a couple pints yesterday. Seemed like a good enough reason to make pancakes this morning. And man, I haven't had sourdough pancakes in a long time, my mom used to make them when I was a kid too.
  10. Got up, made blueberry pancakes, mowed the yard, did a bit of DIY in the lab and then cooked dinner. Currently waiting to see if Lily will go to sleep or if we're in for an interesting evening.
  11. If HF-1 prices weren't basically equal to used RS-2s I'd recommend those, but to sound their best I really feel the HF-1s need wood enhancement.
  12. And thus this week's mowing of the lawn is concluded. That was only what 3hrs or so? meh
  13. naaman was stationed in Iraq last I knew, so about all he sees is sand.
  14. ^ yup, about to go do that myself.
  15. sure looks like it, you can see in one of asr's pictures where the name is (Xitel) and it seems like the part profile for the mini jack is on the end with the green wires. Steve, could we get a straight down shot of the DAC board? And john, he throws away the enclosure so it's probably only worth $40 then.
  16. One at a time Kevin, one at a time! Although I've gone a book marked a page with 6 or 7 circlotron schematics and parts lists. They don't look overly complicated or dangerous to me.
  17. Thanks Steve, I might have to talk to you regarding other portions of this project.
  18. Who doesn't notice something like this before they send it out?
  19. Hmmm, it's pretty hard to screw up the output coupling cap of a DAC to act as a high pass filter unless the input impedance of the next stage is really low. At least in my limited knowledge world it seems like it should be.
  20. That would be reasonable, the article I linked to certainly paints its power in a different light.
  21. I have to tell you, I've looked at the docs and I'm not sure I'd qualify it as a project to cut your teeth with. The pcb is nice for avoiding some of the pitfalls that plague most HV tube projects but there's no getting around the ~400V PS which trust me is enough to thump you good. What else have you built before?
  22. Ah, you meant the inside, I read "coat" and thought finish.
  23. Saw a disturbing article this morning - Apple Has The Power To Disable iPhone Apps Remotely : dBTechno
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