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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Your a woman, one came stock when your were born.
  3. For $50 to $75 I don't think it can really be beat (short of the no defunct AV710 sound card) but it's not going to take down a $500 dac either.
  4. omg these must be the hD800!!!
  5. Out of line? Who's to say, but don't be surprised if you just get ignored lowballing like that. Expecting someone to knock more than 20% off of the price is a bit much IMO, especially considering the low-use of both pairs. Of course there are others that follow the "if you're not embarrassed by your offer it's too high" rule as well.
  6. Wow, pretty craptacular specs regarding nominal impedance. +/- 15%?!??! I'm imagining a room full of monkeys and drivers getting closer matched pairs... There also appears to be a model 802, closed back version.
  7. I'd say it's a safe bet that I'll build at least one when the design is complete.
  8. I'd just as jrossel if he still sells kits through www.glassjaraudio.com - I haven't heard of any issues with those kits. At a minimum he may still have the BOM of the kit up on his site.
  9. I'm really curious to see how those Grado monsters will fit between the forks! Nice work on the wood as well.
  10. I wonder if there is aftermarket shielding that you might be able to use? I mean there's no real magic to it from what I understand, just need the right material. Like this - http://www.lessemf.com/faq-shie.html#speakers - I've used some of lessemf's products and they do work.
  11. Better look again.
  12. Maybe for his weak-ass wire. Chuck Norris wire is self-shielding. True story - someone once tried to put enamel on Chuck Norris wire and the wire round-house kicked the factory to the ground.
  13. Fuck no, Chuck Norris doesn't need a shield! What's wrong with you?
  14. Agreed. I've always been told that a air-tight container at room temp was best unless your not going to drink the coffee for weeks. If that's the case freezing is ok provided that you use a moisture sealed container. Of course I don't do either given my simple palate.
  15. suckitalo and its partner groups are offended by the suggestion. Hilter was a short, one-balled failure of a man, why on earth would we carry his wire? Now, if you want Chuck Norris wire, which has a background so black that ninjas get lost in it, then we can talk. Unfortunately reviews of that wire are few and far between since the only sound it knows is violence.
  16. I suppose that hurricanes are good justification for a battery powered portable rig. Glad to hear that it sounds like the storm wasn't too bad.
  17. Indeed. "state of the art" = lowest qualified bid
  18. The funny thing is just how much of what is available is "Military Spec". I use all Milspec heatshrink, not because I want to, but because it's what's available. The whole milspec-as-better sale's pitch cracks me up. Anyone who's lived in military housing can relate.
  19. Heh, I was waiting for someone to say something about that. I almost posted that in the "post a picture of your rig" thread.
  20. We went the other direction, that's the view from Pine Point in Maine which is up near Old Orchard Beach. Our friends have an old family place up there about 100' off the beech so we went up to have lunch with them and then headed down by the water for a few hours. And 909, she's still a bit young for swimming, moreover all the Docs have told us to keep her out of the direct sunlight as much as possible until like 6 months or so. So being the overprotective dad that I am she stayed put in her seat and got a solid nap in. Al, she's still to small for that onesie but it's ready to go as soon as she is and there will certainly be a post to go along with that occasion. Peter, yeah, it was a great Monday and clearly better than any workday!
  21. Today we took Lily to the ocean for the first time.
  22. Take Five carries it and Sonic Craft does as well, you just have to ask for pricing at SC as they've been revamping their website for what seems like years.
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Cry pardon, Kiwame, PRP, Riken.
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