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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. X2 Rekindling "friendships" with x-girlfriends is a slippery slope.
  2. I'm really glad that NAD carcass went to good use.
  3. How many choices do you really even have? Maybe 5 or so including the Apple Cinema Display? And holy hell, I hope someone else is paying for it or you've got a damn good reason to want a ~$1500 computer monitor.
  4. Vincent, If you don't take Mike up on his offer feel free to PM me if I can help.
  5. Blue Locktite 8" Tie Straps Misc. Fastener Hardware Time to get busy building.
  6. Just PM when you've you got the measurements Smeggy, I have quite the collection of Nylon Multifilament.
  7. n_maher

    slow forum

    bunch o' post whores, the lot of them. (says #11 )
  8. The first legit use of a locking RCA I've seen, nice.
  9. Impossible, don't even bother trying. I've never successfully ordered all the parts for a project from one source.
  10. I actually prefer the D-sonic look.
  11. That's what I figured, but just wanted to be clear before someone read it the wrong way and got all pissy.
  12. You're not implying that the Purity design is shit though, right? I don't know enough to judge.
  13. No idea what it sounds like but it certainly appears to be fully discrete to my untrained eye. Not sure what that's worth exactly (being fully discrete) though since I've heard plenty of opamp based designs that sounded great as well.
  14. It don't mean a thing if you ain't got that bling, Jacob. And honestly, it was one of those moments of inspirado where you find a semi-elegant solution to a problem that's been pissing you off for years so there was no way I wasn't going to do it.
  15. Indeed.
  16. Not to mention a dedicated breaker for for just the amps.
  17. I hope folks don't leave them on for days at a time unattended for "burn-in". They might just experience more burning then they bargained for.
  18. You have got to be kidding me. epic:palm:
  19. I gave it a lot of thought, painful amounts really. In the end, even the single ended β22 is sufficient for my speaker needs (at this point) and the expense of the β24 is another order of magnitude that I just can't justify right now. The casework and degree of finish that I'd want to hold on a project like that would make the raw parts cost pale in comparison. When you figure that the power switch for my β22 is costing around $100 to implement you start to get the picture.
  20. Whereas if I turned on a radio and it was playing jazz I'd turn it off.
  21. Having just listened to it I'm kind of shocked to learn this. I'm sure it's just a case of divergent musical tastes but they do nothing for me on a musical or production level.
  22. I used red RTV silicone gasket material, but I'm not sure that's what would work best for your application. Are you trying to secure caps together or secure caps to a chassis? If it's the former, this should work but I'd first put o-rings around the caps to act as spacers and then fill the void with whatever adhesive you choose. That way you're not at all concerned with the compressive strength or elasticity of the adhesive. As for sources try automotive-type (Pepboys, etc) stores, it was in the automotive section of my local hardware store. If it's the latter I wouldn't use any kind of adhesive and would look for a mechanical connection like Pete, Kevin and Naaman suggested.
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. It shouldn't be at all surprising to find tubes that appear to simply be rebranded. It happened all the time and Sylvania appears to be one of the manufacturers that did a lot of the supplying of tubes to be rebranded.
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