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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. For me it would still come back to not being satisfied with or willing to risk 28 steps, especially at that cost ($270).
  2. Nope, today's purchases were for the SimpleSE which you haven't bought, yet.
  3. You're not wrong.
  4. Lucky guy! Although if that is #4 you're clearly a glutton for punishment.
  5. 2-1/2" Bi-Metal hole saw more misc. fasteners DIY is always more expensive than your first think.
  6. Congrats to both you and your wife. Is this your first?
  7. I'd honestly be shocked if it did, my understanding (what little I have) is that all of the SDS's are PTP wired. I think it's only the lower echelon amps that use pcbs.
  8. Shouldn't be that difficult since the case size is the same for all varieties of Neutrik XLRs. It'd just be a matter of some additional wiring. That is unless Mikhail has started using PCB mounted XLRs, which would be news to me and would probably make it impossible.
  9. I'd disable it on headphone XLRs, just like I did on the Menace.
  10. Cheap Flights, Cheap Hotels, Cheap Airfare, Airline Tickets, Travel Deals - SideStep And damn, right now I could go round trip, non-stop for $240. Too bad there's no way I can make the meet, let's hope fares are that low for CJ '09.
  11. Yes, you can, but if you're going to go to the trouble of disabling the locking mechanism why use the stupid jack to begin with? I'm of two minds about that regarding XLRs since they don't always seem to have the same inherent clamping force that most RCA connections do and I don't plug and unplug IC's nearly as often as headphones.
  12. stupid locking neutrik
  13. The sigma22 might make a much more stable PS platform, Ed.
  14. 24V Aikido?
  15. A bit more progress was made the other night. I've gotten a bit more done since then but not much really. Progress has been slow going as I bounce back and forth between projects. I hope to have some time over the long weekend to start chassis layout planning. I'm finding that I'm not all that pleased with the restrictions that the pcb is causing regarding layout and the seed has already been planted that this may end up being a prototype of sorts with a PTP version to follow.
  16. The photos were taken with a single-ended ALO recabled "something" plugged into the amp even though neither reviewer mentioned having one.
  17. I don't see you reviewing a $6000 amp with it so no worries, Al.
  18. Oh lord, immediate demerit for the reviewer with an ALO recabled something...
  19. Yup, there's that, Canare 4S11 and there's even one from Furutech that doesn't break the bank for starters. You can get some pretty boutique speaker cables for under $200 if you're willing to throw in a little of your own labor.
  20. Don't start with me Moose. But seriously, Vincent has built his own stuff before so all I was going to suggest to him was a couple of affordable wire types.
  21. If you're at all like me it'll vary from amp to amp.
  22. Photo credit, you guys give photo credit now?
  23. I think there are a few posts back and forth from amb and myself in the headwize build thread that outline the resistor mods that I had to do with most of the ones that I built. It was pretty easy to find a suitable parallel resistor value to dial it in IIRC.
  24. Be prepared to futz around with resistor values a bit to get the voltage within the +/- .1V that the Squeezebox allegedly requires. Of course their own power supply violates this spec badly so YMMV. Also, if you want to try rolling diodes to dial in the output voltage let me know and I'll send you 20 or so of the 5V variety.
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