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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I'd wager that what we see in Steve's headphone stands represent the lowest common denominator in terms of his woodworking skills. And the stands are phenomenal.
  2. Well here you are then. I would suggest that you adopt a new philosophy about posting and, well, think before you post here. Much of the attitude that you display at Head-Fi simply won't fly and will be met with a bit different flavor of reply than you're used to. And while we're being open and honest if you'd like to request to be labeled as a MOT simply provide a company name and we'll take care of it. I understand you're now in the cable making business.
  3. Woot! -=she=- gets her own thread, really quite talented indeed!
  4. Nate's sake is fine, do whatever you need to stay sane. Cables are easy and adjusting the gain on that beta won't break me either.
  5. Lies.
  6. Oh dear...
  7. Stay safe Steve - and anyone else in the area for that matter.
  8. I tried to help and steer you towards Tkam's, did you miss that one?
  9. I think the general problem with it is the ~$3k price tag coupled with such steller specifications as: Humm Level : Not measurable
  10. Working for the F-I-L sounds dangerous.
  11. I think as far as cold is concerned once you're north of NYC it isn't going to matter all that much. CT is just about as cold as southern NH although you might get less snow but more ice/freezing rain BS.
  12. I think only Justin can answer this unless there's a detailed internal picture that you can point me to.
  13. Despite its reputation I don't think Nashua is all that nice (although I'm sure some parts are) but the surrounding parts of southern NH are very livable. The good/bad thing about southern NH is that you're within easy commuting distance of much of Mass so job opportunities are probably as plentiful as you'll find anywhere these days. The bad part is that your close to Mass so you have to deal with mass-folk (sorry salty). That said, you're young, I'd make a break for it and maybe give Texas a shot. Although Alex might not appreciate the local competition.
  14. That might actually help.
  15. Or me. I have a pretty piss pour history with all things digital (knocks on wood) especially from Salty.
  16. Right now it's just an issue of time, really. Lily hasn't been sleeping all that well which has severely limited the amount of time I have for projects at night. As it is I'm running well behind on a couple of builds, make that 4 builds. Adding to that backlog is unappealing and not something I'd expect someone else to want to put up with either.
  17. I think you get around 5 minutes to edit a post, otherwise it's permanent. About the SE outputs, I wouldn't much worry about absolute phase. There's nothing to say that other components in your change aren't already inverting it without your knowledge.
  18. /me falls down
  19. Well the PS3 is now back in stock at Best Buy on line so there's hope it'll return to local stores soon. Time to start convincing the wife in earnest that this is really just a new DVD player, not a gaming system. I swear.
  20. I've certainly gone through periods of time where I wasn't interested in doing any DIY. Usual I just accept that and find other stuff to do rather than try and force myself to do something that should be fun. I've also stopped trying to keep up with every cool project out there, there's just too many and trying to track all of it (not to mention afford it) is insanity in its own right. So my advise, put the iron down for a while, enjoy another facet of life and when it's time to come back to it you'll know.
  21. Too bad they still haven't created a useful App.
  22. Quite frankly I'll be shocked if the website survives the onslaught.
  23. I would bet that Classic sales have been slow since the introduction of the Touch line and that part of the reason they didn't bump capacity on the Touch at this point was to try and prop up sales of the Classic. Of course they went and dropped the price of the Touches which isn't going to help the matter.
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