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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher


    Out of Stock
  2. Dan, I'd be concerned if you didn't think your own kid was cuter.
  3. Just watched (sort of) S01E01 of Californication - definitely interesting enough to download a few more and see where this goes.
  4. The issue for me in finding useful apps is that more often than not my Ipod does not have web access. So anything that tries to either regularly ping a server (like weather apps or woot watch) or works through a web interface isn't going to work very well. The joys of a wired/non-wireless office.
  5. Ok, let's have it - a must list for Apps.
  6. Steve, I'd probably forgo the shot, when it's all said and done and fully trimmed out wouldn't you think 60+lbs would be sufficient? Take it from me, moving the Menace PS is not fun and that's starting to look light compared to your beast.
  7. Got a color version of that? It's a great image but for my eyes not enough stark contrast to be really great in B&W. Great composition though.
  8. Nice Steve. Now quit farting around and get yourself a real drill press.
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Pics or ban Steve, pics or ban.
  11. I for one am hopeful that he is getting the ship righted, this hobby needs more choices, not less.
  12. Tyll should be there with Desktop Audio in full force.
  13. Currently reading the Buffalo DAC manual.
  14. Yup, I'm with Steve. As soon as I've got my rig sorted I'll be placing an S
  15. It's almost a guarantee that he'll bring something new, never seen before, and forget whatever amp it was that he was supposed to deliver to the person who's been waiting for longer than most would deem reasonable.
  16. Yeah, she takes after her mom, luckily. And no, no trades. I've got all I can handle with the Lily monster.
  17. n_maher

    slow forum

    It still worked when I just tried it 5 minutes ago.
  18. IIRC 45 days, but you should verify that. And recovery only works if the funds are still available in the receivers account.
  19. Shame they don't make a 4-pin cable-mount male XLR.
  20. Al that is so friggen sweet it hurts.
  21. Next Palin post in this thread gets a 24hr ban.
  22. Black Strap for my Suunto Core, it's now Dusty Chalk approved.
  23. Perhaps we could keep this topic semi on topic?
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