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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Yup, the teflon coated stuff is more than double the price. And just be aware that the bulk of this stuff is borderline prohibitive for cable purposes. Note how fat the braid is relative to the 1/8" jack and realize that you're looking at the narrow edge of the braid. Some "customization" of the plug was required.
  2. I don't mind at all, the PVC covered stuff is $.61/ft from Take Five Audio IIRC.
  3. [2] Avel Lindberg trafos for the Buffalo [1] Teko Enclosure for the Buffalo
  4. I think they're just fine for most cables and when I'm trying to hold a budget for someone they come in handy.
  5. I whipped up the latest in the line of SiALO cables the other night. Basically it was an excuse to play around with the standard (non-teflon) neotech wire. It's a bit bulky, but ultimately worked just fine.
  6. For best transparency of course.
  7. And short of getting the DJ's repaired for the money I think the Senn HD201s are pretty hard to beat. At this point I can't remember if I thought the 205s were much of an upgrade for 2x the price.
  8. Sure, send me both pairs and I'll return one w/ a new cable on it (assuming the cable is the problem). Price = nothing. If the cable isn't the problem I'll send them both back.
  9. You/she could try having them recabled. I'm thinking something slightly below the APS level of cable might suffice and be cheaper than replacing them.
  10. How exactly is she destroying the K81s?
  11. The SuckItALO credo outlaws anything camo.
  12. I use a Speck ArmorSkin case on mine (w/ a screen protector). I like that I don't ever have to take it out of the case. Of course it's the case that came with the Touch when I bought it used so it's not like I made a real active choice.
  13. There are times I love the smaller size, for sure. And I have no doubt it'll run basic software like that.
  14. My soon-to-be-old-school Macbook runs Vista Ultimate just fine so you should have no problems with XP. On thought would be whether or not the screen size will work for you or whether an MBP would be better suited to your needs.
  15. /me hopes a certain set of speaker cables are long enough...
  16. Todd, Do you really want tubes for an office rig, or is this a home office rig?
  17. Trade secret tubes...
  18. SR-Ω
  19. Don't see why not. You could also call Avel and ask if they would be willing to send you some core banding (they've done this for me in the past) - just be sure to tell them which trafos you're using so they can send the right width band. I've found both radial and longitudinal fields to be problematic, depending on the application.
  20. If the toroids prove to be a problem let me know. I have some Mu metal from LessEMF and could send you some to see if it would help.
  21. Add: Tilt Meter Lite Much more useful than the dual level app. edit - and of course no IPod would be complete without ResistorCode!
  22. Watched Heroes last night, this is quickly shaping up to be another disappointing season.
  23. Add Dual Level Pretty neat and for an engineer a handy little app.
  24. n_maher

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