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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Uhhhh... You think? Sure, but his current model is to replace one retired amp (SR71) with at least two new ones (SR71A + Mustang). Ray Samuels' Design Imperatives: 1. Does it have chips I can paint red? 2. Can I come up with a convenient USAF designation for it? 3. Can I mark it up at least 10x the cost of production? 4. Do I have a shill in place to pimp the ever loving crap out of it? (not really a question, but it belongs on the list none the less) Once the answer to any of 3 of the above is "YES" then it goes into production.
  2. So let me get this right, you're fretting over spending what is probably less then $100 after buying cans that will set you back a couple grand. Shoot, even if you just bought an adapter you could probably be into a solution for ~$50. This strikes me as penny-wise, pound-foolish behavior.
  3. I think we both had a similiar reaction to them in New York. Sort of a "what the f is all the fuss about" listening experience. I can only hope that the pair I owned for a short time was broken in some way, they were just not good. I'd rather listen to SR325s w/ bowls.
  4. I'm guessing a simple retermination could fix that "problem".
  5. Boomy, what's wrong with the Ipods?
  6. I tweaked it a bit for Marshall.
  7. I still ponder buying another one from time to time, but the price has gone up quite a bit it seems. I got mine for $350 shipped but the last few I've seen have been up near the $600 level. It comes highly recommended though, Pete Millett has the CD-1000.
  8. I sincerely wish you better luck with that transport then I had. Mine arrived DOA, luckily the seller took it back and refunded my $$. I hope you don't have to ship yours anywhere.
  9. Well put, Al.
  10. I freely admit that I have absolutely no clue how solvent they are.
  11. Oaf.
  12. I checked 5 dealers and only one listed it as an option and had no stock, not to mention their price of upwards of $700 per tube for NOS AD1s. What I'm getting at is that it costs less than that to retube the entire Menace with good NOS stock and if you want to you can spend less than $100 on the 5 tubes for it and still get very good performance. No disrespect to Craig, I like his work a lot, but designing a new production amp, even if it's a limited run, around what appears to be one of the more esoteric tubes out there seems crazy.
  13. Jebus riceboy, that's quite the acquisition spree.
  14. Without doing a lick of research my primary concern, outside of the cost of the tube would be the single source (1 manufacturer) aspect. I mean, EML is probably not going to go away any time soon but I never like having to rely on their only being one source for anything.
  15. Yikes! Quick research puts those tube in the "pricey" category at ~$500/pr.
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Sort of. I bought a case (black) but as to when I might actually get around to building it? Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe mid-2010 at the current rate of production.
  18. Please tell me that yours comes without the Rainbow Bright drive belt.
  19. n_maher


    Holy poop, I'm tempted to pick another up as mine has been a bit flakey lately.
  20. n_maher


    Accessories - Logitech Harmony 880 Advanced Universal Remote (Harmony / Logitech) - eCOST.com - electronics, computers, laptops, mp3 players Saw this listed as a side deal on Woot, this is what I use at home and it's a pretty slick remote.
  21. more Dexter.
  22. You might try a PM on HF before you give up.
  23. I think there's a HR B-stock Balanced Desktop for sale right now that is a pretty good deal. Yes, it has the DAC, but it has the stepped attenuator option too.
  24. He needs the WinOS to run his firm's client software if I'm remembering things correctly.
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