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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Tried to register, it's been an hour and still no email from them. I'm guessing they've fully overloaded and crashed now.
  2. Time is short, best I could do. edit, just found this one too.
  3. n_maher

    Custom IEM's

    Lily has a cold so I doubt I'm going to have much time to myself at night this week to really dig into their sound. I had about 2 minutes tonight (off to bed shortly) to test them with the PtoS adapter and they still hissed out of the Touch. Significantly less and perhaps just the noise floor of the Touch. I'll have to compare back to back with the 4Ps at some point to see if I hear anything with them under similar conditions. And I'm going to try and get a loaner portable amp to try with them to see if that would help with the hiss issues.
  4. n_maher

    Custom IEM's

    It would be material dependent. For quiet stuff, like acoustic or classical it would probably be intrusive. I'd be happy with the same deal your customer in Korea got. In all seriousness I'd guess that these would hiss even out of a pico on low gain. And in full fairness to Livewires we discussed the potential hiss issue prior to the purchase. They say they don't have a problem when their product is used with "professional" audio gear and they also offer cables with built in resistors to help with the issue for other users. I'm hopeful that they Ety cable will cure it for critical listening, otherwise when I use these there will generally be 100db or so "ambient" noise so it definitely won't be an issue then.
  5. n_maher

    Custom IEM's

    So my Livewires arrived today a little over a month after my impressions arrived at their facility. Not too bad for turnaround, just a few days longer then what I was quoted. Initial fit is very good, I can walk and chew gum and not lose the seal. (I know, who would have thought that I possessed such mad skillz??) The left goes in easier then the right, but I'm sure I'll learn how to put them both in efficiently and once seated they are as comfortable as my Ety ER4Ps. Initial, I had five minutes during lunch, impressions are that they hiss like a bastard out of my Ipod Touch. This was pretty much expected given their insanely high sensitivity and I pretty much assumed that I was going to need to use the PtoS adapter that I have at home with them. For me getting these was not about the ultimate in fidelity. I'll report later once I've had a chance to try the adapter. If they still hiss with that I'll be hard pressed to justify keeping them and this is why I went with Livewires in the first place, 30 no-questions-asked money back warranty.
  6. n_maher

    slow forum

  7. The best policy is to ignore everything Brian and Russ say about release dates until it's listed as "In Stock" on their website. No expectation = no disappointment. I wish it was different, but it's not, and it's hard to get upset with them considering the ridiculous amount of work they put in for very little reward.
  8. They claim pdf compatibility, have you had trouble using it with that type of file?
  9. What sort of files does Stanza work with? PDF? [edit]And FYI there is now a Google Earth app which is supposed to be pretty cool.
  10. Woops, I posted the wrong picture. The one I have is this and uses two 12AU7/ECC82s.
  11. I little tiny thing made by a company called Aric Audio.
  12. I went to see my friend Todd today to pick up some of his unwanted audio goodies. The booty included a receiver that I'll probably give to my parents, a RS integrated amp (modded Accurian), a tube preamp and a SS preamp, both of which need a little work. I've already got the Accurian installed in the soldering rig and it'll serve just fine in that capacity until I get the SimpleSE running.
  13. Dexter Watched the latest Heroes last night, I'm pretty sure I'm done with that show.
  14. If it had a standard line voltage input I'd be betting on icepower (or at least a knockoff) but its use of an AC adapter means that there's some sort of internal power supply. Or at least I'm assuming there has to be. Whatever it is it has to be a highly efficient design to pack both a speaker amp and DAC into something that tiny and unventilated. They look interesting, that's for sure. Any pricing info?
  15. Run Mike, RUN!
  16. Happy Birthday, eh!
  17. Installed iPeng, pretty cool.
  18. It was indeed a faulty trimpot, weird. Not sure if I have a spare so we'll see if I can come up with the right resistor to set the appropriate output voltage.
  19. Watched another episode of Fringe last night, it's a good show. Of course now they're going to take 3 weeks off in an attempt to kill whatever momentum they have generated.
  20. It's unclear what to try next. It appears as if the trimpot is not working, so I may try pulling that today if I have time.
  21. Most of the folks who heard in at the NY meet I brought it to were pretty surprised at what it could do. It's one of the few amps I regret selling, it was just too cool.
  22. Tried unsuccessfully to fix my Twisted Pear Bipolar Power Supply.
  23. Add Nate to that group as well. I've attended the SigArms Academy, still don't want a gun although I hold nothing against those that do.
  24. Nice, David.
  25. There is no doubt that he manages that part of his business exceptionally well. Gives you an idea of the financial resources he has at his disposal.
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