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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. That's not even close to how I feel. $8/ft. for fricken nylon multifilament?!?!?! And the idea that a 5' recable could cost $500 is just... well, I have no words.
  2. Hmm, I thought I was actually pretty nice about it. I did say welcome, didn't I and even offered advice for how you might find life more comfortable here. While your information was good, the thread was ancient and not many (if any) would come here seeking that kind of information. I suspected you were excited to find a topic that you felt knowledgeable about and posted hastily, hence my pretty pleasant response. Your second reply to this thread is perhaps worse than the first since it shows you didn't really take my advice. So I stand by and slightly amend my previous advice, read more and post carefully if you'd like to have any longevity. That's not a threat, just a fact.
  3. Did anyone else catch the part about Ray inventing a new/old HE60 paradox? I've never heard of them sounding different after having their drivers replaced by Sennheiser.
  4. Me too. I wondered how high it would be safe to go and wasn't sure given the chrome status. I think this is one of those cases where one of a kind is a bad thing and doesn't add to the value of the item at all.
  5. Shhhuush you! It really just depends on the transformer. All the Avel trafos I've come across could be used in 230V countries, I just didn't use one for this beta.
  6. I'm with you Jacob, in my mind it makes them worth less, not more.
  7. I think I've already called reverse dibs on it. And it's actually not at all easy to convert to 230V, it uses a single primary trafo that I had custom built by SumR in Canada (fully shielded and potted). So some major surgery would be required along with a new trafo. This thing is going to be pretty much US voltage spec only but should be completely devoid of the hum issues that other single chassis betas have had. Geez, I've really managed to crap the heck out of this thread.
  8. That'd be a first regarding one of Ray's products.
  9. Sorry, no can do - I've got too many projects and too little time as it is. Thanks for the kind words though.
  10. Heh, he's the lawyer that asks so... This is the last public image until more work gets done.
  11. I was going to call the Lily The Beta22 but that just seemed weird.
  12. I'm hoping it's been bedazzled!
  13. I bid $1000 and was immediately outbid.
  14. Big thanks to all that serve!
  15. Did this thing ever show up? Impressions? Early Xmas shoppers are curious.
  16. Mike, would it be possible to try using your laptop instead of the mac mini just to see if the mini is part of the problem or if happens regardless of the music host?
  17. Not really intentional but Justin and I seem to share a similar appreciation for the clean approach to panels/design. I also certainly take that comment as a compliment.
  18. Fine, fine ya' bunch of angry bastards. My lawyer tells me that's all I can show you for now.
  19. Wow, looking good! I got some panels in today as well but I can't publish them yet.
  20. n_maher

    Wet Shaving

    Not any more.
  21. You need the additional gain from the balanced outputs? If so they you'll want a proper active preamp, not some wunder chip sum of the balanced outputs deal (IMO). As a start I'd take a hard look at something like the Twisted Pair Ballsie which I think would suit your needs and be of good quality. But again, I might opt for a true preamp over something like that if I were you.
  22. See your other thread, I don't think you want to go introducing another stage to the output of you source.
  23. Nope, you'd only get 1x (the normal) voltage output or half the balanced since the signal would be swinging referenced to ground rather than both the in phase and out of phase total swing. And rather than use adapters I'd just have a set of balanced to RCA cables built. I can think of 3 or 4 folks around here who could do that for you for a reasonable sum of $$. I don't like adapters all that much when a single cable can be used efficiently.
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